Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dunwoody write-in votes in the Post 6 election against John Heneghan.

According to the write-in tally for the post 6 seat I see that Anybody Else / Anyone But John came in a strong second place, followed by Tom Reismeyer and Bill McCahan tied for third place with three votes each then followed by Mickey Mouse, Gary Ray Betz, Gil Wood, Phil Davis and Latonya Claytor with two votes each.

A few other members of the community like Mr. Thaddeus Osborne Dabell, Bob Barr, Jim Redovian, Steve Barton, Albert Chambers, Herman Cain, Garbageman and President Barack Obama had one vote each.

I didn't take photos of all the Mayor tallies but I can say with certainty that Mr. Gary Ray Betz had a strong showing, coming in fourth over all.


  1. To Rob Augustine:

    I'll let you go first with your "spin" on the parks results. I'm sure it will be entertaining, if not enlightening.

    As Abe Lincoln said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."


    "Smart People, ???? Council"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, it was close, but I'm still relatively young (i.e. close to 60 years of edification, experience, and honing my chiseled good looks). So, we'll try again three years from now. Thank-you all for your support!!!

    And now I'm getting a cup of coffee as I'm very tired after being up all night awaiting the final results from this taut tournament of democracy; hoping against hope that we'd pull it out.

    Once again, thanks for your support! Don't let the dream die!

  4. The Crier is a little "backed up" on clearing the Comments for publication on their site.
    Perhaps Rob would care to publish his remarks more widely?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So, let me get this straight, Rob. ARe you saying the Mayor and the Council are more like P.T. Barnum (mis-attributed for saying "There's a sucker born every minute"-although this quote is widely mis-attributed to Barnum, when it was in fact said in response to an act of Barnum's ) than Abe Lincoln?

    And you accused me of disparaging remarks against the Council et al.!!!

    Let me leave you with H.L. Mencken: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people"

    Let's get started on our "do over" and get it done right this time.

    BTW, unless you posted it on the most obscure part of the Crier, it's not showing up on-line. I'm going to have to ask your assistance in finding it, I'm afraid. Where exactly, is it?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Really Chip, you do have to chill. You won - be gracious.

    I could have the barmaids draw you many a Guinness Stout and set you up with shots of Jameson after Jameson, or a good single-malt scotch if you want that, but I'm thinking that the only thing that's going to temper the amplified ardor of your victory zeal, would be a few Seroquels, and although my signature makes me appear to be of the medical profession (it was the only class I passed in med school), I cannot access this anodyne for you. So, you're just going to have to breathe in and breathe out. You won - wind down...

  9. With all due respect to you Rob and Chip, I am weary of the back and forth exchanges. I appreciate that there are forums like this where ideas and opinions can be expressed so openly. Thanks John H.! But can you all exchange private emails and talk amongst yourselves? Election day has come and gone and the bonds issue has been decided by the voters. I hope we can all move on. Thanks. :-)

  10. Know this though, gentlemen, and the ladies that commented as well, I found the exchanges in this forum prior to the elections most informative and allowed my family and me to cast an enlightened vote on the parks bond issues.

    Thank-you much...

  11. GaryRayBetz - I totally agree with you. I learned a great deal as well. Oh and by the way...I think your wife Pam is GREAT! We've had some nice conversations about you once I figured out who her husband was. All good of course. ;-)

  12. My closing remarks on the matter:

    I want to thank the citizens of Dunwoody for voting NO! on the parks bonds. These instruments were improperly crafted and drafted with the sole purpose of purchasing and eliminating the apartments along Peachtree Industrial.

    We should continue to watch the Council and the Mayor as they will undoubtedly try to enact a TAD or some other such instrument prior to leaving office. The referendum item that was approved is deceptively innocent in appearance, but it gives significant latitude to the City Manager and the Council to enter into bond deals without the vote or consent of the people.

    Let's see what happens.

  13. Well, that was very sweet of you, Kathrynch, in your compliments of Pamela Jo! I shall convey them to her.

    Pam did mention that she had met a very charming and lovely woman that had recently realized our connection. This must be you!

    Pam added, she was gladdened that you had called her by her name as she is usually referred to as the poor lady with the overly alliterative loquacious lame-ass'd liege.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. loquacious, lame-assed, and liege are alliterative, but alliterative, alas, ain't.

    But, alliterative does have assonance, not to be confused with lame-assedness, I guess, if you don't mind me intruding.

  16. Chip, no intrusion at all.

    I cherish calembours. Very well done, sir! A great indication of linguistic intelligence is in the use of puns, and yours was first-cl'ass'!
