Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Veteran's Symposium Today at GPC and City Veterans Ceremony on Friday.

Veterans Day Ceremony

November 11, 2011 2:00 pm

Brook Run  Park

4700 North Peachtree Road

Dunwoody, GA

GPC Educational Symposium Will Highlight Legacy of World War II

Dr. Thomas Graham is on a mission to honor World War II veterans. The Georgia Perimeter College Dunwoody history professor and former U.S. Naval officer has been inspired to organize a week long educational symposium  Nov. 7 to 10,  followed by a USO-style Stage Door Canteen and Dance on November 11.

Graham teaches his students how what happened during World War II still affects their lives today, because of the service and sacrifice of the men and women who served almost 70 years ago.
“We recognize that the number of World War II veterans is rapidly decreasing,” Graham says. “This generation needs to know about them, they need to know how close the world came to being crushed by the Axis powers. Most World War II veterans don’t see themselves as heroes—they say, the ones that died, they were the heroes,” says Graham.

The free symposium will take an interdisciplinary look at World War II presented through a series of talks and panels—from the literature of the time, to the mathematical precision of the codes created to stymie the enemy, to the scientific breakthroughs of the period.

 The talks will feature community members who are World War II veterans themselves, including members of the Tuskegee Airmen, and other World War II “flyboys,” as well as talks by those who grew up in Europe, Germany and China during the war.

Thursday, Nov. 10

10 a.m. to 11:15am                 Labor Problems in Wartime
11:30 a.m. to 12:45pm            Fly Boys of WWII
1 p.m. to 2:15pm                     Great Speeches of WWII
2:30pm to 5 p.m.                     Film, “The King’s Speech”


  1. "It is the sacrifice of the best of us, by the worst of us."

    W.B. Yeats commenting on the conscription of the youth of Ireland by the British government to be utilized as cannon fodder on the front-lines of World War I.

  2. Does the City of Dunwoody have a Veterans' Hiring Preference?

    If not, what is the City of Dunwoody's commitment for supporting US Veterans in seeking employment opportunities?
