Wednesday, February 22, 2012

All Saints Knights of Columbus Famous Fish Dinners start tonight (Ash Wednesday) with an expanded dining experience in the gym.

The Knights of Columbus, Council # 11402 based out of All Saint's Catholic Church in Dunwoody, GA serves the “WORLD FAMOUS” FISH FRY offering over 1,000 dinners every Friday night during Lent with a special Ash Wednesday kick off event this evening.

Adult meals are $8 (except salmon $9) with child meals only $4. Seniors (60+) get an “early bird” $1 discount between 5 & 6pm only. Fried & baked Icelandic cod, baked salmon, & fried shrimp with coleslaw, green beans, red potatoes or fries, and hush puppies complement meals. Special Knight recipe clam chowder at $2 per bowl. Numerous desserts & adult beverages too.

Take-out is available but come join in the fun, take the family out for a great meal, let the children play on the playground as the weather will be beautiful.

All Saints Catholic Church - Gym
Ash Wednesday &
Friday's from 5 pm to 8 pm
2443 Mount Vernon Road
Dunwoody, GA 30338

This year, in order to allow an expanded dining area the fish dinners will be offered in the Gym which is accessible in the lower parking lot at the back of the property.   The parking spots near the gym will be reserved for take-out patrons, the elderly and infirm who can’t walk far. Below is a menu and I hope to see you there.


  1. Just thought I"d mention the desserts are provided by various circles of the Womens' Guild who also donate their proceeds to charity.

    When it's St. Monica's turn I'm thinking about a return of my own "World Famous" Jim Beam pie. You must have ID to be served this one.

    We're going to let the Knights work the bugs out of the new location before the family truckster makes its way down. Our youngest child, "Blutarsky" has a penchant for food fights.

  2. Every year this is always a very delicious meal and very well coordinated! My family loves it as I am not wont to cook fish at home.

  3. The River

    The way we fished for bullheads
    was simple: hook, line, bobber,
    cane pole and worm.

    The murky, brown water of Root River
    is where they hid
    and waited our return.

    The bobber was red & white.
    At the first bite it danced then ran,
    before going under—and I knew

    that if it stayed under the fish
    was on. Hooking them (they almost
    always swallowed the bait)

    was one thing, getting the hook
    out without getting hooked oneself
    on their lateral and frontal barbs

    was quite another. That was
    the solitary fishing
    that few enjoyed as much as me.

    I didn't understand then what
    I needed in equal parts was
    excitement, activity and adventure—

    and more important than any
    of these, solitude, in which my
    being could be nourished

    in silence. That silence
    in which the imagination,
    unbidden, comes to life.

    Fishing alone brought
    all of this together,
    because it included living

    beings, the mystery of life
    from another realm that I could
    pursue with my body my

    imagination and my mind,
    marveling at what I found,
    not knowing what any of it could mean

    or did mean, or would mean,
    as I slowly moved
    through the opening days of my life

    David Kherdian

  4. After reading th e below news item ,I'm going out this weekend and purchasing a dozen boxes of Girl Scout cookies out in front of one of the local grocery stores.

    "Because the Girl Scouts do not denounce birth control, non-Christians, or the LGBT community, a growing number of wingnuts have decided that the youth organization promotes abortion, paganism and "homosexual lifestyles." Some churches have even begun kicking out Girl Scout troops:

    Several Girl Scout troops in Chantilly, Va., have been banned from meeting at a local Catholic church and a neighboring school.[...]

    According to the Arlington Diocese, the pastor did not believe the National Girl Scouts membership to the World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts aligned with the message of the church, stemming from a perceived connection between WAGGGS and Planned Parenthood

    The anti-Girl Scout fringe also has at least one elected official on its side: Indiana Republican State Rep. Bob Morris refused to vote for a resolution celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts because after "talking to some well-informed constituents" and conducting "a small amount of web research," he determined that the Girl Scouts are a "tactical arm of Planned Parenthood" that encourages "homosexual lifestyles."
