Friday, February 24, 2012

Dunwoody schools to participate in Georgia Walk to School Day on Wed March 7th

Wednesday, March 7th, will be our "Georgia Walk to School Day".  Each of Dunwoody's elementary schools - Austin, Chesnut, Dunwoody Elementary, Kingsley and Vanderlyn - will be hosting a walk/bike to school event on this day as part of its walk to school program.  We have raised the stakes this year, as the schools will be competing for "The Golden Sneaker of Dunwoody" - awarded to the school with the highest percentage of walkers.

We would like to invite you to join our students and parents for this great event.  Each school has individual walking routes and schedules, so if you are interested in joining us for "Walking Wednesday" please contact the school you will be joining for additional information.  

School contacts are as follows:
Austin:  Stacey Harris,
Chesnut:  Chris Newberry,
Dunwoody Elementary:  Rosemary Gorham, 
Kingsley:  Tom Lambert,  (see below for Kingsley information)
Vanderlyn:  Kate Sweeney, 

As an FYI - Kingsley will be meeting at the old ACE Hardware parking lot on Mt. Vernon Drive at 7:00 AM, and will start the walk to school down North Peachtree Rd at 7:10 AM sharp. Captain Kingsley's new partner - Princess Comet - will be making her first public appearance at this event.

1 comment:

  1. Skipping

    A carburetor skips, and rocks
    will skip along the surface of
    a pond. A fugitive will skip
    the country if he can, and crooks
    will skip the payment of their debts.

    And one can walk content or run
    with joy across a summer field.
    But why omitting steps is such
    a sign of pleasure's hard to say,
    as if the gap and shift, the quick
    eliding interruption of
    a stride, reflects the shiver jolt,
    releasing dance; accentuates,
    as heart is said to skip a beat,
    the lift, arrhythmic, breathless gasp
    and rush and reach of crossing first
    one threshold then another in
    the vivid hop from foot to foot,
    the hurrying toward and with delight.

    Robert Morgan
