Monday, February 13, 2012

Kudos to Chesnut Charter Elementary

In the past weeks, a lot of behind-the-scenes work by some dedicated parents has paid off for Chesnut Charter ES.  

The school is benefiting from close to $5000 in grant awards that have come through in the last several weeks.  One grant from Northside Hospital will be used to purchase digital microscopes that interface with the school’s smartboards so that kids can view slides on the screens and take digital photos of the results.  

Another grant has come from Georgia Organics through DeKalb County School System’s Farm-to-School program, and will allow Chesnut’s kids to have fresh baked pizzas on Field Day, using locally grown, organic produce.  

And last but not least, Chesnut was a winner with the KaBoom Spruce Up grant program, which allowed the school to conduct a beatification program around the playground, including fixing drainage issues around the pathway to the playground and replanting the butterfly garden.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for the little school that could! The spirit of the parent community here is really charged up -- it's great to know the kids will be benefitting directly from all this effort.
