Sunday, February 12, 2012

Please stay warm and misc items of interest to Dunwoody

 Please be careful today - extreme cold so try to stay warm.

Please stay warm today and if for any reason you are without heat and it may affect your well being, please reach out to authorities and even call 911 if needed.

The Dunwoody Homeowners Association is meeting tonight and an item on the agenda is a presentation from Marlow’s Tavern who is planning on going into the Calico Corners building on Dunwoody Village Parkway.

Kudos to the Students, Teachers and Staff of Dunwoody High School who put on what looked to be a fun variety show the other night.  The video of the show was live streamed (but not recorded), next year I think I will be there in person.

Last week while I was attending that train wreck of a DeKalb Delegation meeting, I had the pleasure of hearing two other tidbits of news.

A bill to create the City of DeKalb may be introduced which would turn unincorporated DeKalb County into a city which would stop further annexation of new cities. The other is that a bill may be introduced to raise the Hotel Taxes in DeKalb County (unincorporated) to the maximum allowable.  Because of the little video I shot, there were a number of nice blog pieces written including this one written by Mike Hassinger on the Peach Pundit site that doesn't hold back his opinion of the dysfunction in county (school) governance.

 In case anyone missed DeKalb CEO Burrell Ellis' sales pitch to Dunwoody last week, here is a recap.

Reminders - PCMS Rising 6th Grade Parent Coffee today at 2pm

DHS Boys Lacrosse is hosting a Men's Collegiate Lacrosse Association matchup between #6 Boston College and #8 Florida State University at North Dekalb Stadium, today at 1 pm. The game is a fundraiser for DHS Boys Lacrosse to help fund the varsity sport in its Inaugural Season.

1 comment:

  1. I Have Outlasted All Desire

    I have outlasted all desire,
    My dreams and I have grown apart;
    My grief alone is left entire,
    The gleanings of an empty heart.

    The storms of ruthless dispensation
    Have struck my flowery garland numb,
    I live in lonely desolation
    And wonder when my end will come.

    Thus on a naked tree-limb, blasted
    By tardy winter's whistling chill,
    A single leaf which has outlasted
    Its season will be trembling still.

    - Alexander Pushkin
