Friday, May 4, 2012

Dunwoody Project Renaissance looks to partner with John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods

110 residential units over both parcels, a commercial node, several parks and a future city hall.

I was hoping to post both development submissions along with all related documents in order to allow you the opportunity to compare and contrast the proposals but the link to the John Wieland proposal is broken, therefore I will point you to the location for when it gets fixed.  Click here which takes you to the main Project Renaissance - A New Georgetown page, then click any of the three links on the page and it will take you to a more detail page.  Then scroll to the bottom and click the Project Renaissance Downloads which will show you the links below which should be all documents and both proposals, but like I said the link to Wieland proposal is broken but might be fixed in the early a.m. Please give me your feedback. Thanks.

Press Release – City Proposes Project Renaissance (03.08.12)
Backgrounder (03.08.12)
Invitation for Proposals_FINAL (03.08.12)
IFP Addendums (04.13.12)

Press Release - Selection Committee Announcement (05.03.12)
IFP Response - John Wieland Homes & Neighborhoods (04.20.12)
IFP Response - Southeast Capital Companies (04.20.12)
Selection Committee Recommends Partnership with John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods

Dunwoody, GA – May 3, 2012 – The City of Dunwoody is pleased to announce John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods as its recommended partner for its redevelopment initiative: “Project Renaissance – A New Georgetown.”

In an effort to implement the Georgetown Master Plan adopted last spring, the City released an invitation for proposals in March to encourage interested developers to submit ideas and concepts that align with the Master Plan for the redevelopment of a 16 acre parcel owned by the City and a 19 acre property the City has under contract.

After evaluating all responses, the selection committee, comprised of City Council and staff members, unanimously recommended the City partner with John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods. In their proposal, John Wieland suggested a low-density, owner-occupied residential development interwoven with City parks and a multi-use trail running across and connecting both properties. The plan reserves space for the City to market and sell a 3-acre future neighborhood commercial node on the North Shallowford edge of the 16-acre parcel. The full proposal has been posted to the City’s website at and is available by clicking on the “Project Renaissance” button on the homepage under “Projects” in the lower right corner.

“We were very pleased that the proposal from John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods clearly aligns with the community’s vision for the future as outlined in our adopted Georgetown Master Plan,” said Dunwoody Mayor Michael G. Davis. “I’m confident all residents and nearby business owners will find the proposed concept extremely beneficial for the entire City as well as a catalyst for the exciting rebirth of the Georgetown area.”

In addition to making the proposal publically available, the City and John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods are hosting an open house regarding the proposed Project Renaissance redevelopment next Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall (41 Perimeter Center East, Suite 100). Attendees will hear a brief overview presentation and then have an opportunity to ask questions and interact with representatives from John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods as well as the City of Dunwoody.

John Wieland, CEO of John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods, commented: “John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods is very pleased to have been recommended as the partner for the residential portion of Dunwoody’s Georgetown redevelopment initiative. We look forward to the opportunity to bring our award winning design and quality, along with our 40 years of homebuilding experience, to this very special project. We are committed to creating an exciting urban living environment in this outstanding location.”

The City hopes to answer any questions and gather public input throughout the month of May as it works to finalize a formal development agreement. The Dunwoody City Council will formally consider a development agreement with John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods at its City Council meeting on May 29, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Several additional public meetings will be held over the course of the summer as the plans for this catalytic develop head towards implementation in early 2013.


  1. John - The link to the Wieland proposal is broken.

  2. @DunwoodyLeaks

    Psst! Today after accepting his cool quarter million from the City, private dick Sam Spade will reveal the Dunwoody Leaker - Mark Felt.

  3. Wow, just wow! Most of our public housing authority projects in Boston look better than this monstrosity! In fact, is that where this inspiration came from - the Alice Taylor homes in Mission Hill of Roxbury? The layout seems very familiar.

    Well, Dunwoody, you got the politicians you wanted in the run-offs, and now their crony contractors will be taking the last bit of green space that was left. It's done, and the greedy brutes have won. Once it's gone, baby, it's gone!

    All that's left is for Joni Mitchell to take us out here with her "Big Yellow Taxi'.

    "They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot
    A pink hotel, a boutique and a swinging hot spot
    Don't it always go to show
    You never know what you got till it's gone ?
    They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot.

    They took all the trees, they put them in a tree museum
    They charged the people a dollar and a half just to see them
    Don't it always go to show
    You never know what you got till it's gone ?
    They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot.

    Hey farmer, farmer, put away that DDT
    Give me spots on my apples but leave me the birds and the bees, please,
    Don't it always go to show
    You never know what you got till it's gone?
    They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot.

    Late last night I heard my screen door slam
    A big yellow taxi took away my old man
    Don't it always go to show
    You never know what you got till it's gone ?
    They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot."

    Or as Cat Stevens cried, "Where do the children play?"

  4. I am very pleased to see that John Wieland, a builder with excellent credentials is going to take the lead on this important project. No doubt, many eyes will be watching this exciting Public/Private partnership.

    This is an excellent time to mention that new homes ought to be built with consideration given to mobility challenged owners.

    Simple, yet incredibly important design features can be included in new homes, making them usable to a wider range of buyers, at little additional cost.

    Two examples come to mind. One, zero-step homes make access from the vehicle to the home very easy. Depending on the lot, some homes can be designed for zero-step entry without any real costs.

    Another design feature is to provide a 'block' behind the shower/tub wall so that grab bars can be mounted onto a solid piece of wood. That one is 'free' as well.

    I hope Wieland builds using techniques to increase homeowner access for some of these homes.

  5. Why does the press release say Dunwoody made its decision "after evaluating all responses" when there were only two bids? This demonstrates the city is not entirely honest. Actually, it shows the city to be deceitful.

  6. So, what now? The area is no longer to be called "The PVC Farm", but henceforth, "The NightMayor on Elm Street"?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. On the whole, I am excited to see this area be re-energized.

    Why did the city decide to not hold a dedicated Public Forum to discuss this before the developer was chosen? Or before they decided to bundle the two properties together? I watched the video of the press release and heard the City Manager assure that this would be scheduled. Aside from one-way public comments during City Council sessions we have had no venue to have a 2-way Q&A about this. All the decisions have been made in executive session.

    Would it have been so bad to "open up" the discussion with the citizens from the start, BEFORE the council decided to seek this type of development? Could you imagine simply holding a public forum (or a Town Hall meeting??? I haven't seen any of these yet), and ask us "What would you like us to do with the PVC Farm?"

    Imagine if some citizens came up with "out of the box" thinking.

    1. How about keeping the entire 16 acres as a park? How about asking the citizens who are wary of bonds -- unlike Alpharetta, Gwinnett County, and other municipalities who are able to implement their plans and visions and their per-capita income is less than ours -- to form a 501(c)3 Non-Profit "Friends of the PVC Farm" and raise funds? Then plant trees, build a pond, put in a softball or multi-purpose field (ask the Dunwoody Seniors to sponsor that one), trails, pavilion, whatever.

    2. How about higher density (a dirty term, I know) along North Shallowford, etc. in exchange for greater park space? Isn't that the way we want to do it in Dunwoody Village? When I retire, I don't want a big house or yard to maintain. Mixed-Use works in these situations, with residential condos over retail shops, etc.

    In closing, I also look forward to the city officials continuing to fulfill the Dunwoody Village Master Plan, too. I know of one TRANSFORMATIONAL project that meets this vision which has already been approved and funds budgeted (from last year) that will make the area more CONNECTED for the PEOPLE, with the ability to give nearby residents the option to leave their cars at home and walk or ride their bike to have a burger, custard or get a cup of coffee. Investing in this project demonstrates the city's support of the local economy in the Village, as well.

    PS: I know of a bicycle retailer that would be interesting in BUYING a 3-4k Sq. Ft. space along North Shallowford. so let me know when the city puts up that land for sale. Renting is just "too damn high". So please don't sell it to another developer, which in turn will charge high rents, scaring small & locally owned businesses away. (Scaring everyone away except for the Banks, that is).

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Dunwoody currently has many homeowners that have had their houses, townhouses, and condominiums on the market for an inordinate time period, unable to move these units, but the city government feels the most prudent thing to do now is, with what has been referred to as the only remaining green space in Dunwoody, sell it to a contractor, in order that another 110 residential units get added into the mix as well as additional traffic congestion (not to even mention the possibility of an increased flood risk as concrete will displace the earth where the water was osmosed previously), instead of developing the area into a park for all the residents of Dunwoody to enjoy, a highly visible park area which would greatly increase the property values for all the city's homeowners.

    But please know that I have no dog in this fight (gotta fence for my three beasts). I have no plans to sell my home (sorry to disappoint most of yawl). And I wouldn't use a park as my kids are all grown, I'm old, and my summer of love events always occur in my backyard. So, this was just my humble, and perhaps obtuse, observation.

  11. Wise Acre, good try, but your rumor is erroneous. Henceforth, Georgetown is to be known as "Warrentown".
