Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Video of the June 11th Dunwoody City Council Meeting

Agenda Recap: The development agreement with John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods was approved unanimously by the entire council.

I had concerns on the next item which was the purchase of several parcels of the land (including the possible future city hall location) because the city memos and documentation failed to even note that there was a ground lease on one of the buildings whereby we could not develop that specific piece of property for the next ten years.  This item passed 6 to 1 with me voting against as I couldn't in good conscience vote for this item after discovering that this encumberment was treated as trivial and not part of the informational packet.

We approved a small state grant to fund several roads to be repaved and did a first read on holding the tax rate the same from the day the city was incorporated.

There were a number of other discussion items on the agenda where no votes were cast but lines were definitely drawn in the sand.  Expect four additional officers to be offered up in the 2013 police budget for a specialized Crime Response Team and the proposed change to the definition of "what is a Stream" to be moved back into the full zoning rewrite vs. being done separately. 

The discussion of who should be named to the Audit Committee was "deferred" by the Mayor as he didn't have a name ready but Councilman Shortal quickly stated that it should not be a Council Member. 

I had questions regarding the request by the Ethics committee for outside legal council when the proven need, as per our ordinance (the conflict of interest by our City Attorney to handle the case) was not clearly stated.  The other discussion items on the agenda had little meat to the subject matters therefore look for consent agenda items on them in two weeks.


  1. Late this afternoon, the City provided Council and I believe posted to the City Project Renaissance website, the Ground Lease information for 4553 North Shallowford.

    Ground Lease - Long Form

    Ground Lease - Short Form
