Monday, August 27, 2012

Dunwoody Bloggers stir things up, get people talking.

Bloggers stir things up, get people talking - Dunwoody Reporter

Melissa Weinman of the Dunwoody Reporter did a nice overview of the many blogs covering various topics within the City of Dunwoody and I have compiled a few highlights of the bloggers mentioned in the article.

Many of these blogs are available in various formats, for example my blog is available on Facebook, Twitter, RSS Feeds and if you prefer you could get an email with the blog post.

I highly recommend checking out the stories below as all are from the perspective of well connected, well meaning individuals all of whom are your neighbors who have something to say.


Dunwoody Village Parkway, Stop the talk and pull the trigger. - Dunwoody Farmer Bob

A "Paul Harvey" moment - DV Pkwy - I'm Just Sayin'

Deja vu...all over again....Dunwoody Village Parkway - I'm Just Sayin'

Happy Birthday to the Garden - Dunwoody Farmer Bob

DeKalb County to Explain Tax Rates to Cities - Dunwoody Farmer Bob

PCMS CV Classic 5K Fun Run Fundraiser - Dunwoody School Daze

See, Click, Fix... Enforce? - Dunwoody Working Girl

"They Don't Think Like Dunwoody" - Dunwoody Working Girl

Mo' Betta Dunwoody - The Other Dunwoody

Parkway Redux - The Other Dunwoody

Odds & Ends - Dunwoody USA

Dunwoody Parkway- Dunwoody Talk

Brook Run and Murphy Candler - Dunwoody Talk

Bicycle Lanes in Dunwoody - Dunwoody Talk

Dunwoody Real Estate Trade with DeKalb School System? - Dunwoody Talk

Dunwoody Supports Quality Events and Places - Dunwoody Talk

1 comment:

  1. And occasionally someone posts walking & bicycling items at:
