Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dunwoody drivers, please drive carefully and have lots of patience this first week of school.

Elementary School's start at 7:45 am therefore expect huge delays and lots of parents parking near the schools to walk their children in around that time.

Please give yourself extra time in the morning as you may need it, drive carefully and politiely as the people on the roads are your neighbors and friends.



  1. Huh? I just was transported into 2012 from the 1970's. I don't get it. Is there some relation between motor vehicle traffic and school starting? What's the Frequency, Kenneth?

  2. As school was starting today, there was yet another car wreck on Womack Road on the side of Dunwoody High as someone was trying to pull out of the parking lot. Ironically, the first person who came over to assist the victims was a surveyor, hired by the city. He was mapping the road to help the city come up with a way to speed up traffic where the accident occurred. Oh the irony. Cost to city so far for the study on how to get people to drive faster in the school zone: 129 THOUSAND dollars.
