Monday, August 6, 2012

New Frontier Baseball League at Murphy Candler for kids with Mild Challenges, still has a few openings to play.

Registration will be closing later this week for the new Frontier League at Murphey Candler Baseball designed for kids with mild life challenges.  Spaces are still available for this ground breaking league and I would like to encourage anyone with a child interested in baseball who fits the medical requirements below to join.

For Kids With Mild Life Challenges like ADHD, Appraxia, Auditory Processing Speech delays, Dyslexia, and Other Executive or Sensory Challenges.

Additional Information:
Games Will Be This Fall Starting In Mid August For 10 Weeks
1 Day Per Week Commitment on Saturday Mornings
Practices Will Be For 1 Hour, Then A Shorter 4 Inning Game After
All Counties Are Welcome

There Will Be Two Age Groups:
Frontier I Will Be For 7 To 9 Year Olds
Frontier II Will Be For 10 To 12 Year Olds.

All Experience Levels Are Welcome, Space Is Limited

For More Information Contact: Adam Wickley at 770-722-4837

To Register Please Go To Click on Register Now, Then Frontier

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