Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Video of Aug 27th Dunwoody City Council Meeting

Passed - Approval of External Auditing Services Contract.

Passed - SECOND READ: Adoption of Ordinance to Amend Chapter 26: Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Places Regarding Special Event Signage.

Passed - Resolution to Approve and Authorize the Acceptance of Department of Natural Resources Recreational Trails Grant

Passed - Approval of Georgia Department of Transportation Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant Contract Amendment.

Passed - ACTION ITEM: Request for City Council to Fund a Hearing Officer for the Board of Ethics.
  • Long discussion on this document: Ethics Board Request for Hearing Officer - passed on recommendation of City Attorney and understanding that learning curve is tough to follow let alone be forced to use Georgia Rules of Evidence
Passed - ACTION ITEM: Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Georgia Department of Transportation Regarding Dunwoody Village Parkway TE Grant.
  • Da "Original" Mayor, Regency, Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce, Village Burger and others come out in strong support of the Dunwoody Village Parkway. Long discussion with other options deemed not viable by most of council.

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