Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Video of the August 13 Dunwoody City Council Meeting.

Long night.  6 pm executive session for quick legal item, 7 pm meeting ended about Midnight.

Recap, there were two Action Items on the agenda to vote on and both were down graded to discussion items; they were the Request for City Council to Fund a Hearing Officer for the Board of Ethics and Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Georgia Department of Transportation Regarding Dunwoody Village Parkway TE Grant.

First three hours - Video

Last two hours - Video

Agenda (my comments in RED)


  1. With the recent information that has been revealed in the Dunwoody leak quandary of absurdity, it appears that Dunwoody has become no more than a community of Walter Winchell, Matt Drudge, and Linda Tripp wannabes – despicable persons that feign friendship with their neighbors then turn around and blog about what their acquaintance had thought was just a pleasant private conversation between “friends”.

    Let's not make heroes of people that are of such low character and self-loathing that they must ensure the destruction of others in order to justify their own miserable existence.

  2. Gee Bob, same comment to all the blogs? You cordinating this with Team Adrian?
    So here is my comment back same asI posted to kerry's
    Bob Turner, what a piece of work.
    You wanted a source, now you have it, but now the process bothers you. What’s next?

    My friendship with Ms Brucker is based on mutual respect. She chose to come forward after watching Adrian’s behavior and seeing what her sleazy attorney was attempting to do. She had seen enough.

    The whole point is that Adrian cannot have casual conversations with friends about the content of an executive session meeting. Period, end of discussion. That is why they are called leaks.

    Now it appears that Adrian has once again fabricated information for her personal satisfaction, putting her ego and vision of self importance ahead of her obligations to the City. In the end it does not matter why she spoke to “friends” and emailed the ROMEOs, but she did.

    Ms. Brucker did not seek out the information. She was told the information. She did not seek me out to relay the information; it came out in general conversation. Only when I stopped to question her did she realize what had happened. Her statement is complete.

    No one is making a hero out of anyone here. No one wanted this to happen. Adrian controls the game. She could have ended this mess a long time ago. She chose to put up frivolous argument after frivolous argument……

    I am paraphrasing here:

    “I did not talk to anyone”. Wrong. She did. Ms Brucker had no reason to lie. Ms. Brucker did not write the email from New Zealand, Adrian did.

    “The Wilson report was a political hack job” Why? Bob Wilson did not know Adrian from a hole in the wall. Wilson did not know Mike Davis.

    “The council had an illegal executive session” Sorry but that charge passed her by when she did not object to it after several opportunities to do so. Only when she thought she had no options left did she file frivolous charges in an attempt to deflect the spot light from her indiscretions.

    “Mr. Lundsten‘s so-called source” Now you have a source. That just kills you because you now have what you have been demanding, and because it destroys your credibility and your arguments.

    “The Source is lying; the source stole information from me.” More deflection, this time by making a libelous comment and charge against a person who has not sought out the spotlight because she knew the venomous attacks that Adrian would launch.

    Somebody take the shovel out of her hand, because she continues to dig herself deeper

    Now Bob Turner, the ultimate Adrian apologist, the ultimate hypocrite, who questions friendships, the evil of bloggers and those who comment on them, while commenting every chance he gets. You have nowhere to go with your argument. You are no longer defending Adrian but deflecting the spotlight to those who spoke the truth.
    Instead of bringing this to an end, she continues the scorched earth policy and immediately accuses Ms Brucker of a crime. And you guys talk about libel and slander. You wonder why people are afraid to come forward.

    Adrian should not only apologize to the citizens of the city, but to Ms. Brucker for her weak attempt at character assassination.
    It is Ms Bonser, her lawyer and her husband who should be ashamed of what they have done.

  3. Is this a narcissistic personality disorder, or what? You just really have no concept how you are the catalyst in this sad tragedy because you wanted to a big man. Well, all you've done is caused a lot of heartache and anxiety to a lot of innocent people. People who wanted to make this town better. But you're the big man now! Be happy! You're a big man now and all you had to do was cause heartache to a lot of people and cost the city's taxpayers a lot of unnecessary money.

    It really doesn't make any sense to even comment about this situation, because you have no clue as to what you've done here. Even if you reviewed all your actions, you still wouldn't have any concept of how reprehensible they were, although anyone with an iota of decency can see. It wasn't necessary for you to stick your nose in this and cause all this trouble for all involved! You didn't need to be the big man. I'm done. You tire me.

  4. This is really terrible for all in the City. John, I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you and other council members to have sit at the table with Ms. Bonser and then hear her say, "you can't discuss this because you have an ethics charge against you". Thank you for your service and please get this ethics mess cleaned up.

  5. @ Bob Turner / Robert Turner - you are one "broken record". Every post includes one or more of the following:

    1) narcissistic
    2) misogynistic (hatred of or fear of women)
    3) good ol boy network
    4) blame for everyone else but the individual responsible
    5) bloggers created this "sad tragedy"

    Its people like you that are the first to criticize government for wasting taxpayers money when you haven't a clue as to what the process requires and you are driven by emotion rather than accept that there are policies and procedures that elected officials must follow. But when you disagree with that process then that's just the good ol boy network at work. Right? I think that just about sums up your contribution to this subject.

  6. First Lady Michelle Obama is announcing a new hiring push for veterans. Please City of Dunwoody, add this to your agenda and see if you can assist in this effort and encourage local businesses and city government to hire veterans.
