Wednesday, January 16, 2013

DeKalb County to Hold Public Informational Meeting tonight at Dunwoody High

Wed, January 16, 2013
Dunwoody High School
6:30 to 8pm

Every five years, school districts across the state submit a list of schools to participate in the state capital outlay program. The DeKalb County School District is completing an application for funding that requires a list of its schools and shows that the DeKalb County "Proposed School Organization" meets the state requirements. It is not a redistricting plan.

In January, DCSD planning staff will revise its briefing to focus the community's understanding on DeKalb's list of schools and minimize any discussion of boundary changes. This list of schools will incorporate the new schools added under the SPLOST IV capital program.

The staff briefing in January will clarify that a list of schools is all that is needed to begin the state application process. The list of schools does not require any information about boundary lines. Consequently, the proposed school organization is not a redistricting plan but a list of school facilities the district expects to operate in the out years. This list is used to determine the state's award for capital project funding.

The meeting with the DCSD on January 16 will discuss this application process and the school district's submission.

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