Saturday, March 9, 2013

Plans for Dunwoody's next new hotel to be discussed on Thursday and an update on the zoning rewrite.

On March 14th the Dunwoody Community Council will be meeting to do the initial public review of a proposed rezoning and Special Land Use Permit to construct a six story hotel, coffee shop, several retail shops and restaurant on Ashford Dunwoody Rd at Perimeter Center North on the Sterling Point office complex which located directly across the street from the California Pizza Kitchen.

After review by the Community Council, the Planning Commission will hear this in April and finally it will be brought before the City Council, most likely in May.  

Zoning Rewrite Update

On a semi related item, I watched the video of last weeks Zoning Board of Appeals meeting where Steve Dush gave an interesting overview of the last zoning code rewrite meeting where they were discussing Module 4 which included the topics of stream buffers and tree preservation on single family residential lots. 


  1. In June, 2012, the Sustainability Commission held an Educational Forum on Stream Buffers. Panelists included: Rich Edinger, City of Dunwoody Engineer; Frank Carubba, Georgia Environmental Protection Division; Jason Ulseth, Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper; David Ellis, Atlanta Home Builders; Dell MacGregor, Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission.

    Here's the link for all of the presentations on the City's Website:

    To watch the session, here's the video:

    Part 1 (57 minutes)

    Part 2 (36 mins -- last part of Q&A)

  2. Absolutely OPOSSED to the curb cut.

    The DHA negotiated with the previous developer NOT to have a curb cut and position the hotel with a pedestrian entrance off of AD.

    They are going to tell the DHA and City that they have the curbcut by right as a result of on 1980's deed when the right of wat was taken.

    The fact is they do not have that right anymore. The current zoning is conditioned per a sigh plan which does not include a curb cut. That is why they are seeking the rezoning, to change those conditions so that this holtel can get it.

    Adding a curb cut to AD wil be a traffic nightmare do to the location just south of the light.

    Pedestrian acess to AD is key as it will encourage peoe to get to the hotel then WALK to the areas restaurants (Sage, CAfe Intermetzzo Alons etc.

    My fear is that the city council is going to see Don Boyken's position in this deal and Don is actively promoting it.He was a DHA Board member when these negotiations took place

    They have also retained Kathy Zickert and Den Webb to represent them. They are ready for a fight

    The DHA needs to be firm and NOT give back what was negotiated for. The city should do he same and not be so desperate for new buildings in Dunwoody and ignoring the reasons for the curent restrictions.

    A hotel can be built on the site.? There is an access just north of the site on Perimeter Center North

    First big test for the city.

    I fought the battle several years ago when the zoning was controlled by DeKalb, let's see who steps up now.

    We became a city to gain control of or zoning, let's see if the City is willing to sell outthe comunity for a development

  3. The people of Dunwoody will do whatever they want no matter how despicable the ethics involved. Currently their most likely new school board candidate is man who doesn't think that the referring to a public school teacher's music program at the DES of "banging on bongos, sticks, and chanting" as "jungle music" as being racist, and his friends don't think he is out of line in this belief.

    So if in this progressive day and age, if the people of Duwnoody have no problem in wanting to put a man with such a limited and ethnocentric view of the world on the school board to influence the education of our children in order that they think in the same manner, they will have no issue in agreeing to any type of short-sighted zoning rewrites that sacrifice the well-being of future generations of Dunwoodians.

  4. Folks,

    The below site is in honor of the heroic brother of a good friend of mine from Chicago, Gloria Bianchini.

    Gloria's brother, Sgt. Luis Santiago, was a two tour veteran of the Iragi and Afghani wars. Disabled veteran Sgt. Luis Santiago died traumatically and tragically last December 2012 up in Chicago leaving behind a very beautiful and sweet four year old daughter.

    I share this with you only as a reminder of what just one of our brave soldiers suffered in serving in our country's military at war; however, if you do decide to access the site and donate, I can vouch for its legitimacy. This is a very good and patriotic American family.

    Thank-you and God bless.

    Gary Ray Betz
