Sunday, April 14, 2013

DHA Meeting Tonight and just a few other Dunwoody items to cross my desk

Date: April 14, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM

DeKalb Cultural Arts Center (Room 4)
5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Road
Dunwoody, GA 30338

Introduction and discussion with John Coleman, DCSS Board of Education Rep.
Presentation on Thursday Concerts - Bill Grossman and Bettie Cagle
Presentation on Sterling Point Development - Don Boyken
Dunwoody Community Council discussed Sterling Point Development last month where the additional curb cut to Ashford Dunwoody was the main talking point, a special Planning Commission meeting is being held on April 24th where this project will be discussed and finally it will be brought to the City Council in May.
Presentation on Bike Ride Around Dunwoody (BRAD) – Joe Seconder
Update on DHA Adopt-a-Spot - Bill Grossman
Presentation on Dunwoody Soap Box Derby – Brent Morris

Ground Breaking Ceremony for Project Renaissance Parks - Wed April 17 10:00 am
The City of Dunwoody will hold a groundbreaking ceremony signifying the beginning of construction on Dunwoody’s newest park facility. The new park sits on two sections of a 16-acre parcel located between Chamblee Dunwoody Road and Dunwoody Park Drive. It will feature a children’s playground and central square. The property and its development is part of Project Renaissance and a public private partnership between the City and John Wieland Homes.

Fundraiser for Tripp Halstead Cornhole Tournament at Brook Run Park on April 27 11 AM to 3 PM

Mathnasium Presents “Teaching Your Kids About Money”
This free event - "Teaching Your Kids About Money”, will be held on Tuesday, April 30th at the Mathnasium in Dunwoody Hall (Publix) Shopping Center located at 5552B Chamblee-Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338. All are welcome to attend. The program is pertinent to parents of children ages three and up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. After the Parks Bond Referendum failed in November, 2011, I posted the below statement regarding our Parks. Can we PLEASE start a community conversation seeking input from our residents as to what we want to do with our parks and how we want to fund them? Yes, we're getting some new parkspace, and that's wonderful. But what about saying "where to we go from here"? What about Windward Hollow, Perimeter Park and the others? Yes, we don't even have a single public basketball court for our kids to play on. A couple of sand volleyball courts would be too easy to construct. Recently, a friend had a photo taken of her on Facebook. She was sitting on the steps in front of a brick building. The windows were boarded up. There was graffiti on the walls and the exterior of the building was rusted and in disrepair. I HONESTLY thought she was in some run-down desolate inner-city area. But looking at the description, she was in Brook Run park! Would you see someone taking a photo in front of these abandoned, eyesore buildings & sending them to our local publication for a "Where in the World" are you photo op? Would a realtor take a prospective homebuyer into our parks & show them off as they exist today? Yes, we do have some nice features to display -- IF you squint & keep a narrow field of vision. The annual household income of Dunwoody is over $80,000. That's DOUBLE the state's average. I pay more for garbage pickup than I do in City property taxes. I'm willing to fork over another $40-50 per year to INVEST in our parks, to make all of them a source of PRIDE for our community, and for prospective residents & businesses to see these & say, "yes, this is an even better place to live". What was that mantra for our incorporation again? -- Oh yeah: Parks, Police & Paving. Let's start the conversation.

    My posting from November, 2011:
