Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dunwoody Council Video May 13 - Berman Commons Assisted Living Facility approved, Ashford Dunwoody hotel returned to Planning Commission, Food Truck Thursday Approved, make the streets of Dunwoody woody.

Monday night was a work session with numerous item up for discussion and had just a couple of left over items from the last meeting to vote upon.  We Approved of the Berman Commons Assisted Living Facility on Womack with the conditions originally stated in the application.  With the recent ethics ordinance, we appointed two new alternate board members and reappointed two others.

The rezoning for the hotel on Ashford Dunwoody was remanded back to the Planning Commission for numerous reasons and I questioned whether the application process was fatally flawed enough to where the applicant should be required to resubmit a new application and go though the full cycle of a public meeting, community council, planning commission and then on to the city council.  In my opinion, the lack of substantive documents (deed to curb cut) in the original application, followed by numerous major cite changes along with errors in the application, raised enough questions in my mind as to the validity of the submission, and therefore should be forced to start over.  That being said, I am keeping an open mind and look forward to see where this is going and what will be submitted to the planning commission.

Dunwoody Food Truck Thursday was approved so mark your calendar for next Thursday, May 23rd at Brook Run from 6 to 9 pm.   Community - Food - Music is the tagline so please check it out on the last day of school.  (interested in providing food or music, contact Bettie at (404) 754-3211)

 The North DeKalb Fire Authority discussion centered around the pros and cons of joining together with our adjoining sister cities in DeKalb vs the cost and control of doing fire services our self.   A preliminary analysis of just a Dunwoody Fire Department was deemed as it being too expensive but if we go forward with a professional analysis of joining with other cities, Council recommended a professional analysis of what a Dunwoody Fire Department would cost at an appropriate level of service.   Point to remember, most people including council like DeKalb Fire Services but with tax increases in the fire district along with reductions in the level of service, we owe it to the residents to explore all options; and that is what we are doing.

We had a good discussion on the facilities improvement partnership program and will approve what was submitted but most of the discussion centered around those who did not apply, why they didn't apply and what needs do they have.

Finally, it my guess that we will approve Phase II of the Brook Run Trail to match phase I to be a 12 foot concrete path completing a 1.5 mile circular path all the way around the perimeter of Brook Run through the trees.  This discussion then morphed into the city's no net loss of trees policy whereby we will replace onto city property the same number of trees we removed.  Because Brook Run and our other parks would never be able to accept all of the trees, I mentioned that the city should explore a tree planting program throughout the city whereby residents could request a tree be planted in front of their house, but within the city right of way which is actually still considered city property.   After researching this subject, I believe the City of Chicago does this program as I imagined it and they even allow the resident (together with the City Arborist) to pick the type of tree.  Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I like your tree planting idea, John. I've an abundance of hardwoods on my property, though most are old, and in 14 years, have lost several to age and termites. Between laziness and disdain for the task, anything that reduces my yard work and cost would be welcome. Ya'll come on over and plant some trees to shade that new sidewalk ya'll so kindly installed!
