Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Video and recap of the May 28th Dunwoody City Council Meeting

Recap: very short meeting which was over by 8 pm where everything was passed as presented.  A bit of discussion took place regarding the timing of the DNR Trail Grant Amendment placed on this agenda and the future scheduled meeting to discuss the path of Phase II of the Brook Run Trail (multi-use path) but the item passed as presented with a split 4 to 2 vote.  We are told that a meeting on the second phase of the trail, including proposed routing and hydrology information will take place prior to final construction contract approval. 

The ladies of Dunwoody High School Track Team were honored for their recent accomplishments.  Chief Grogan highlighted the Crime Reduction Unit and the results from just one week in operation.  Citizen public comment discussed the need for tornado sirens, the Brook Run trail and the proposed dog park move.  The Convention and Visitors Bureau gave a financial update but also highlighted that Dunwoody Restaurant Week was fast approaching. 

1 comment:

  1. My Education

    By government of limbs
    empty networks of rules
    my lost skull
    finding fragments of hope
    in books and lasting gulps

    I remember the bishop
    Berkeley, first time I read
    his lucid portrayal of idealism
    I saw myself as pigment
    in god’s mind

    there was Rimbaud
    the seer
    a daemon of callous dreams
    beckoning the loving beasts
    of my heart to get drunk
    and fornicate with the chaos

    vagueness is ubiquitous
    when Cioran excommunicated
    truth from reality
    I leapt from definition to obscurity
    like a child in mud fields
    turning invisible by the camouflage of

    alea jacta est
    poetry was born
    playthings of appearances
    and the images started to gather
    like a book of things that never
    existed behind the universe

    there was still coffee – regret –
    futility and then Pessoa opened up the only truth
    I ever believed in, he unwrapped it with casual
    numbness, as mechanically as you take off a shoe:
    life is a superfluous waiting for death
    with no definite aim it definitely kills us
    and whatever we say or don’t say
    will never change a thing

    so I write
    in the penumbra of absurdity
    as divertissement between sleeps,
    all the same
    in the involuntary currents of nothingness
    drunk with the illusion of sensation,
    I feign a soul
    in laughter and despair
    because of that obscene longing
    of being
    poet & chasm.

    - Pablo Saborio
