Friday, September 6, 2013

City of Dunwoody proposes to pave more roads in 2013

Public Works has completed the paving originally planned for this year. In anticipation of potential surplus funds available for paving, a second bid was advertised in August to allow for additional paving before winter. The second bid consists of patching and repaving of the above streets.

All of these streets are neighborhood streets listed in years 2105 and 2016 of the most recent 5-year paving plan. Due to the approach of colder weather, staff limited the list of streets to neighborhood streets that can be paved in 3 to 4 weeks. The streets above were given priority over other neighborhood streets listed for 2014 and 2015 based on several considerations:

1. Streets that have water lines that need to be replaced by DeKalb County were excluded from this bid.
2. Streets adjacent to arterial and collector roads scheduled for paving in 2014 and 2015 were excluded from this bid.
3. Streets that are candidates for full depth reclamation were excluded from this bid.

The above is still subject to changes as the City Council discusses this proposal on Monday and votes later in month. 

1 comment:

  1. C'est bien de voir que vous faites toutes les avenues françaises!
