Thursday, October 3, 2013

Several Dunwoody Candidate Forums at Dunwoody Baptist Church have been canceled.


  1. Direct Quote:

    "Eads also touched on specific issues that have sparked protests from residents:

    — The city’s zoning rewrite: “I believe it’s creating overregulation that will be impossible to enforce, and will ultimately lead to selective enforcement. Selective enforcement is a tool used by tyrannical governments to silence opponents.”

    'tyrannical governments to silence opponents'> is where this statement goes straight off the cliff. The new Code will be much easier to read, uses graphics and tables, and will be much more helpful to laypersons and professionals, alike.

    Not everything in the Code will please everyone, but Dunwoody will have a modern, up-to-date document that can be changed as conditions warrant. It is the opposite of Mr. Eads assertion.

    — The Renaissance Project: “Risking the city’s financial stability on a sweetheart deal to benefit a private developer is a travesty. The citizens of Dunwoody are taking all of the risk in financing the Renaissance Project and the developer will reap the rewards.“

    I am not a fan of government competing with the private sector, yet, this project will provide a catalyst to quality development in the Georgetown area. It's development prevented a new apartment complex from being built.

    — Charter Commission: “It appears some parties in Dunwoody are trying to further restrict public input. For example, there is a suggestion that it should require two council persons to add an item to the meeting agendas. Another example is a ruling from the commission that city officials shouldn’t be held accountable by the state to hold town hall meetings.”

    There are some items that make sense to require by law, that is codified into the Charter - A town hall meeting makes sense, but is should it be a legal requirement?

    The theme of placing restrictions public input, recurs here. We have four representatives that will take our calls, notes, emails, etc. Sadly, few even know who their rep is, much less have ever reached out to speak to them!

    — Transparency: “There is currently limited transparency into Dunwoody city government. You pretty much have to be a forensic investigator to figure out what to ask for in open records requests and the responses are often delayed and, I suspect, incomplete.”

    Currently the City Clerk's office is being overwhelmed with Open Record requests, some so large their fulfillment is impairing operations. I won't speculate who is behind this outrageous tactic, but it is simply wrong-minded to overwhelm a two-person Staff and then complain about 'lack of transparency.'

    I am thoroughly annoyed that this seemingly intelligent guy is making statements that are so hurtful to us all.

    We have a good thing here in Dunwoody, Mr. Eads, I am afraid I cannot support your efforts.

  2. Ayn Rand has written "The masses are mediocre." MY observation is that if any of these clean-sweepers win a seat at the table, it will be because Ayn Rand told ya so.

    Let's call this what it is - these candidates - and their backers - are attempting to manipulate the voters by instigating outrage over problems that just don't exist, or are grossly and inaccurately misrepresented, out of their vindictive desire to hurt those who hurt them, while refusing to accept personal responsibility for their fate. Blaming others is always easier.

    So, in the end, they are creating an election that is becoming a deceptive, repulsive process. I do hope the voters of our wonderful City see through these shenanighans and vote to keep our incumbents.

  3. Hope you are sitting down Max because I agree with you
