Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Funeral for Dunwoody North resident Bobbi Sedam set for Friday at St. Jude Apostle Catholic Church

 Video - (I wish the quality was a bit better but this gives a taste of her flair.)

The City of Dunwoody lost an amazing citizen yesterday. Bobbi Sedam touched the lives of so many people in such a positive way. Thank you Bobbi for all that you contributed to so many causes. We will miss you. As of now Bobbi's funeral service is on Friday at a 11am at St. Jude Apostle Catholic Church in Sandy Springs.

1 comment:

  1. Bobbi’s funeral is confirmed for 11 a.m. on Friday, December 5, 2014

    St. Jude the Apostle Church
    7171 Glenridge Drive
    Sandy Springs GA 30328

    A reception will follow downstairs. After that a graveside interment will be at Arlington Cemetery at 2 PM.

    Many people have asked what they can do as far as feeding the family, when and where to bring baked goods, etc. The family has asked that for those who are so inclined, we can supplement what the church volunteers provide for the reception.

    Upon contacting the church, they have asked that for those who wish to do something please bring baked goods (sweets) to the social hall on Friday prior to the funeral at 11. Each donation should be accompanied by a card with your name/contact info to give to the family. This will free up the church to provide more sandwiches, etc.

    Of course it is unknown how many will attend, but I think it will be a BIG crowd, so they will need a lot of food. If there is any left over, the church offers it to the family, and if they decline the church freezes it for another event such as this. This function of St. Jude the Apostle Church works on a donation/volunteer basis; thus, they would appreciate our assistance in supplementing their efforts.

    Thanks for getting the word out!
