Saturday, January 10, 2015

Dunwoody City Council offers resolution in support of HR 4 to authorize any municipality in the State of Georgia to establish by local law, an independent school system.

HR 4 presented by Rep. Tom Taylor - A RESOLUTION proposing an amendment to the Constitution so as to authorize any municipality in the State of Georgia to establish by local law an independent school system; to provide definitions; to provide for related matters; to provide for the submission of this amendment for ratification or rejection; and for other purposes.


WHEREAS, the 2015 Georgia General Assembly Legislative Session begins on January 12, 2015 to consider important legislative matters of the state; and

WHEREAS, the City of Dunwoody is concerned with legislative matters at the state level which have an impact on the governmental operations of the City of Dunwoody; and

WHEREAS, it is appropriate for the City of Dunwoody to adopt legislative priorities to present to its representatives in the General Assembly; and

WHEREAS, the City of Dunwoody has identified a number of important legislative items that may be considered by the state legislature in the upcoming year including opportunities to enhance and improve K-12 Educational opportunities; and

WHEREAS, HR 4 is a proposed amendment to the Constitution so as to authorize any municipality to establish individually or collectively by local law an independent school system; to provide for related matters; to provide for the submission of this amendment for ratification or rejections; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, adoption of HR 4 will empower City officials, staff, and representatives to advocate on the City’s behalf, before and to members of the state legislature on such educational values and goals which are most feasible, urgent and/or of the highest importance.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND EFFECTIVE this 12th day of January, 2015 that the Mayor and Council of the City of Dunwoody commit its support of HR 4.

H.R. 4 requires 120 votes in the Georgia state House and 38 votes in the Georgia state Senate before it can be placed on the 2016 ballot for approval or rejection by the voters.

1 comment:

  1. DWG Blog - Can Dunwoody Schools Be Independent?

    It sounds great but I can't help but think, "What happens if/when we win the fight?"

    How are you going to handle the bitching and moaning in DHA and City Council meetings to the tune of "Ewwwww! Those children make so much noiiiiiiise" "Ewwwwww! You can see the building from the streeeeet" "Ewwwwww! There's too much traaaaaffffiiiiic."

    Segments of Dunwoody go ape-poop ballistic when a **day care center** wants to set up shop, what do you think the reaction will be when a 900-seat elementary school enters the development pipeline? (I'll give you a hint, it will involve a lot of red shirts and red herrings.)

    The consititutional amendment is the smallest of the issues. The internal ones are far greater. I'll be more impressed when I see a resolution passed denouncing the inevitable nuisance complaints that WILL occur if we win.
