Monday, January 5, 2015

Dunwoody Founders Park Bench, Brook Run walking trail thru the deep woods to Nancy Creek and Treetop Quest zip lines are under construction.

Children's Playground Entrance - Founders of Dunwoody Bench

In Dunwoody if elected officials want their name on something they do it the "old fashioned way" they pay for it themselves out of their own pockets.  (I wouldn't want it any other way!)

A few weeks ago I lead a group of long time Dunwoody citizens to the most remote, deepest jungles of Dunwoody, along a relatively easy walking trail to view the serine waters of Nancy Creek rolling by.   Now that the Dunwoody Trailway loop is complete and shown on Google Maps, please allow me to share with you a quiet place to experience nature.  At the very back of the park there is a bridge on the trailway crossing a small creek and you will notice a small walking trail at the North West corner of the bridge heading into the woods.  Nature lovers - I suggest you follow it, you can thank me later.

Finally, during my walk through Brook Run Park, I discovered a team of men who were about to start putting these Lincoln Log looking items to good use a 100 feet in the air as the Brook Run Tree Top Quest Zip Line Course started construction today.   They should be finished by mid-March and if you want a sneak peek of what will be installed, check out this drawing and map that the construction crew was using.   Prices are still steep


  1. The phrasing is unfortunate. While we were the inaugural council, the six of us are not really the “founders” of Dunwoody. Any list of founders would have to include Dan Weber, Mallard Holiday, Joe DiVita and Brian Anderson and dozens of others. People like Page Olsen, Don Converse, Bev Wingate, Rick Otness, Dick Drake, Rob Augustine, Bob Lundsten and Fred Brandt come to mind. Somewhere we should have an honor roll of the true founders of Dunwoody.

  2. No disagreement here Robert - we were approached by the Dunwoody Woman's Club to support the Adopt-A-Bench program which we all did and then I ran across the bench yesterday and snapped the photo.

  3. The sign on the bench is a nominal expense. I might recommend that the sign be reworded and the names of all the councils members be put in some sort of logical order as well. Either alphabetical or by district. Roberts point is correct. Thanks to both of you all for being the original council members and getting our city off the ground, you do deserve recognition.

  4. Heyward: Do you know a good sign guy?
