Thursday, March 19, 2015

Austin Elementary Construction Update

Cynthia Brictson and Michael Thurmond were on hand at the Austin Elementary School Council meeting Wednesday where John Jambro, Director of Design & Construction, delivered an Austin Replacement School Update.

Two things are perfectly clear;  1)  The school district does not know what to do with the students during the rebuild.  2)  The community would like a school with a capacity of 750 students and not a prototypical school with 900 students.

Read more on DeKalb School Board Member, Stan Jester's blog. 


  1. Unfortunately Austin will need to ge a bigger school whether the Austin community is in favor of it or not. Our schools are just becoming too overcrowded. DES are getting trailers next year and we still have 3 subdivisions/townhouse blocks being built which are zoned to us. We also have multiple apartment complexes coming to us while I believe Austin only has 1?? Sorry Austin parents but the school populations need to be distributed more evenly among schools and the rebuild of Austin will need to reflect that!

  2. It shouldn't matter what Austin parents want. The community needs the extra seats. The school is being funded by taxpayers across the county not just those in the Austin community or those in Dunwoody. To be fiscally responsible, and to eliminate the cost of some portables, the system must increase capacity in this part of the county.

    This community needs the seats and the rest of the students should not be held hostage because of what one community wants.
