Sunday, September 13, 2015

Brook Run Skate Park is still rated one of the best in the Atlanta Metro Area - @park_sharks


  1. John, who enforces the mandatory helmet rule at the skate park?

    I've seen many skaters there without headgear.

  2. Evan, when I heard the comments I decided to post the skate park rules along with the video which clearly state that helmets are required. I had a resident ask the same question via email and I forwarded to our parks manager Brent Walker to answer and this is what was said.

    "The skate park is a use at your own risk park. That places the responsibility of following the rules on the user. Unfortunately they often disregards their responsibility. We do remind users of the rules and they are clearly posted throughout the park."

    At one point we staffed the park and forced the issue of helmet use but it was costing us more than the fees we were receiving therefore we changed the model to "use at your own risk" and stopped charging the fee.
