Friday, September 25, 2015

City of Dunwoody & Peachtree Charter Middle School enter partnership to share ball fields.

 Peachtree Charter Middle School Ball Fields
Get ready for City Sponsored active recreation at PCMS in near future, be it adult men's softball in the evenings, little kid lacrosse on Saturday mornings or a thousand other ideas that have been floated.
Dear PCMS Parents, please thank Mr. Heptinstall when you see him.


  1. John, I love the idea of sharing the fields at PCMS. When my children attended the school I recall them not being maintained well and the kids getting injured during PE. I believe they actually would keep them off fields at times to prevent injuries and would have PE in the gym even on a nice day. This partership will allow the City to properly maintain the fields for everyone to enjoy. Hopefully all the people using the fields will treat them well and not damage them especially if say the field is too wet to use. If everyone respects the field it will be a win win for everyone involved. What about Dunwoody High School? Any chance DHS and the city can enter into a partnership as well with DCBE? The main field is used for football, soccer, lacrosse and band and really takes a beating. Any chance the city turfs the field and installs lights in exchange for use during non high school hours? This would be huge for the community.

  2. John, I don't even have a child there, but I WILL thank Principal Heptinstall. I detect your hand at work, too, I'm sure. This is a GREAT idea - so many times in the past, it's been suggested for this and other area schools, but always the county declined, citing all sorts of logistical reasons why NOT, but never seeming willing to think outside the box for WHY and HOW. Thanks to all involved for making such a common-sense idea a reality!

  3. Great news! I definitely want to keep as many hours & days open for "unstructured play", "unorganized activities", pick up games, etc. Would like to simply be able to head over to a ball field with my friends & extended family and play a game of softball.

  4. "Promise made, promise kept." To borrow City Council Terry Nall's campaign slogan. This promise was made years ago by DCSC and I am incredibly happy to see it is being kept.

    Whoever helped make it so - T H A N K Y O U !

  5. I read the IGA. Nothing in it explicitly allows for "come as you are" unscheduled use for "non" organizations. Standing by to hear otherwise. Also please publically inform how the at large public can use the other publicly owned ball fields at Dunwoody Park. Thanks
