Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sgt. Marc Miller of DeKalb County Police Department is an example of a true American hero.
Police officers have sworn to protect the citizens and when a bad day happens these officers react and by doing so they put their lives on the line.   They don't think about the fact that their salary has not been increased in many years whereby officers are now forced to work second jobs to support their families, nor do they think about the fact they are paying more for insurance benefits while at the same time they are forced to watch the County eliminate retirees benefits.  These officers don't think about the fact that they are working for a County CEO and Commission that are tainted with corruption charges nor the fact that they are working for a Department that is woefully understaffed and has a hard time retaining officers.   They don't think about the actions of the County District Attorney whereby officers are now routinely brought in front of Grand Jury's to be the political punching bag for a politician during re-election season.   When a bad day happens and these officers have bullets flying past their heads, they stand their ground to protect the citizens they have sworn to serve because it's their duty.   It is my prayer that someday the elected officials in DeKalb County will recognize that they too have a duty to properly serve the Citizens and that this is done by fairly treating the officers who are willing to serve the citizens.

I know that as a Dunwoody City Councilman that I take this responsibility very seriously and even though I look at the long standing compensation problems within DeKalb County, I am overwhelmed by the professionalism shown by the two officers in the video.   They are an honor to the Department even though it is my opinion that the Department appears to not honor them with their everyday actions.        Hopefully that will chance soon.

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