Thursday, January 7, 2016

Al Alberghini of Dunwoody honored at State of Marta breakfast but we as a community actually owe him for a lifetime of service.

Today Marta honored Al & Adelina Alberghini of Dunwoody after a simple photo was snapped of Al assisting a young man tie a neck tie on a Marta platform. The photo went viral and I think I first saw it when someone from Chicago posted the photo from the USA Today to my Facebook feed and I immediately recognizing my friend Al.

Many of my readers may not have heard of Mr. Alberghini before this event but please do me a favor to take a minute to read Al's bio that was posted on my website in 2008 when Mr. Alberghini ran for the initial Dunwoody City Council after the start of the new City.

Going viral for a simple act couldn't have happened to a nicer guy but to be honest, both Mr. & Mrs. Alberghini deserve to be thanked for their many selfless years of service to this community as they have added so much.       Al / Addie, if you are reading this, Thank you!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thirty-year Dunwoody resident Al Alberghini formally announced his candidacy for the Dunwoody City Council, District One designated seat.

Al Alberghini


Former Dunwoody State Senator Jim Tysinger, who has known Alberghini for 20 years, says “Al is exactly what the City of Dunwoody needs: a leader who is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and do whatever it takes for the City of Dunwoody to succeed. He is able to assess a situation clearly and logically, organize a plan to deal with it and bring it to a successful conclusion. His work ethic and experience will be valuable assets to the City.”

Alberghini notes that his entire working career involved ‘start-ups’ in the plastics industry, from his first position as a project engineer at a small research and development company and culminating with his most notable achievement: conceptualizing, developing and producing the world’s first 2-liter plastic beverage bottle and bringing it to market, the project that brought him to Atlanta in 1977.
Alberghini feels that his experience in developing the plastic bottle and seeing it through to manufacturing and actual daily use around the world gives him a unique skill set with which to help the new City of Dunwoody get off to the right start. “We will need people who can conceptualize and bring ideas into practice for the good of the community. We need people who can build coalitions, bring together various individuals, to get a job done and get it done right. The right start is crucial if our City is to flourish. I feel my experiences in business will allow me to help accomplish that.”

Alberghini’s efforts in leading the conversion of products previously housed in glass containers (among them instant coffee, salad dressings, peanut butter, BBQ sauce, etc., etc.) can be seen and used in households around the world. His ability to bring together various companies and individuals saw business grow from $50 million annually to over $500 million annually during his business tenure in Atlanta. Alberghini holds 19 patents. He retired from corporate employment in 1990 to form his own consulting firm.

Alberghini is recognized worldwide as a plastics technology expert and has consulted for major plastic machinery and resin companies on various projects. He has spoken at plastics seminars around the world and served as an expert witness on patent litigation and personal injury cases.


Alberghini has been a member of the Dunwoody Kiwanis Club for nearly 20 years and received the distinction of Distinguished President for his tenure in that office. The Club has served Dunwoody for nearly 60 years, a major project being the construction of Murphy Candler Park. He has been involved in nearly every service project the Club has undertaken since he joined.

Alberghini also spearheaded the Computers for Kids effort that saw the Kiwanis Club re-cycle computers to be used at the (then) Peachtree Middle School in the Special Education classroom, which at the time had only one computer. Area business donated used computers, which Alberghini and fellow members “cleaned.” They then installed appropriate software for use in the classroom.

The project served as the model for other Kiwanis Clubs in their local division to do the same thing in their neighborhood schools. He also worked after school each week with the Peachtree Robotics Club.

Alberghini and Tysinger were among the Dunwoody Kiwanis Club members who painted the original map of the United States on the front sidewalk at Austin Elementary School and Alberghini can remember them both kneeling on the sidewalk “to get the Chesapeake Bay just right!” The map, which has been repainted over the years, is a reminder of Alberghini’s community dedication.

Alberghini serves as technical advisor to the Dunwoody Kiwanis Club All-American Soap Box Derby, which is to be an annual event. He will conduct technical workshops for kids and parents who plan to build soapbox derby cars and inspections of those cars entered in the race. The date of next year’s race is TBA. The winner of this AASBD-sanctioned event will go on to compete at the national AASBD race in Akron, OH.

Alberghini and former County Republican Committee Chairman Ray Warren, also a Dunwoody Kiwanian, were instrumental in helping to organize donations of “comfort items” for soldiers stationed in Afghanistan when one of the Club’s members, Captain Joe Urban (Ret.), who was stationed there, sent word back that these items would be appreciated by his men. This led to another project, this time to outfit a local Afghan school which educates both girls and boys. The school had no windows, desks, chalkboards or other school supplies. These efforts led to Kiwanis Clubs statewide joining the efforts!

Urban, a Dunwoody native, communicated with the Club and this time donations of basic school items were received from area schoolchildren and their families to help children they will never know receive an education. As a result of the many boxes of donations received, the US Army took notice and completely re-habbed and winterized the school.

“Al’s the go-to guy if you want something done.” says Urban, a multiple bronze star winner. “He doesn’t stop until the job is finished and he’s always in it for what is the right thing to do. You can count on Al to get the job done – and to get it done right. ”


Alberghini served in Special Weapons at Sandia Base in New Mexico maintaining the electrical integrity of the fusing mechanisms of atomic bombs. He is a member of the American Legion.

PERSONAL Alberghini has decided to fund his campaign directly and not to accept campaign contributions from either private or corporate donors. “I want the people of Dunwoody to know that when I make a decision, it will be based on the facts and information at hand, and not on who or what company gave how much.”

Alberghini holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Western New England College. He is a Registered Professional Engineer.

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