Friday, January 22, 2016

Dunwoody Town Hall Video courtesy of the Periscope app on my phone.

Above is a video of the second half of the town hall meeting hosted by Dunwoody Mayor Denis Shortal.

While attending the town hall and sitting in the front row recording the meeting in the usual fashion, I decided that shooting several hours of video to be converted to a YouTube format and uploaded to the web was going to take quite a bit of time so I decided to switch over to Periscope which is a video service offered by Twitter.   At the start of the parks discussion, Periscope went live and my 2,000 twitter followers were notified that I was streaming.  Within seconds I had 10 people watching online and people were commenting on the content so I stuck with it for the next hour.   It seemed to work well except for my jerky camera moves and getting caught by my viewers for attempting to prompt the mayor on a topic but over all it turned out well as I was lucky that I had a good internet signal.

The schools will be on a shortened schedule so enjoy the long weekend and as there was a protracted discussion at the town hall on the subject, one resident would like me to remind you to please remember to keep your cats inside - at all times.


  1. THANK YOU so much for your Periscope coverage last night, John! Not only was that helpful to be able to "attend", it was fun chatting with folks in real time. Re: the meeting, it was a very nice, positive town hall, and a lot got covered efficiently yet thoroughly. I especially like how Denny interacted with citizens thoughtfully and respectfully, taking to heart and promising to follow up with some good suggestions that were made. It made me feel hopeful for our future as a city where all of us have a voice.

  2. Hi John--
    I found out the hard way that there's a procedure to saving Periscope video. Your link takes visitors to the channel but not to the archived video.

    Thanks for taking the suggestion about live distribution.

  3. Did the Mayor really suggest that citizens call 911 on stray cats?!

  4. Mom, let's just say it was an awkward question whereby the Mayor not wanting to argue or belittle the issue raised by the citizen, made an executive decision to recommend the action to the person raising the issue. It may not make sense for 99.9 percent of the population to call the police when a stray cat enters your property but for this resident it might have been the best answer. I considered his answer a very kind gesture and therefore in the spirit it was offered I can't say it was wrong.

  5. Feral cats are a public menace that can infect your children with dreadful flea born diseases. Plus, they breed incessantly and cannot support their population without killing innocent and beautiful Bluebirds.

    Bluebirds are gorgeous, their songs give hope to a very dangerous, dark world, infected with feral cats. I once was at an outdoor family grill and we became surrounded by dozens of surly, hungry feral cats. The cats paced, and glared at our children. Their telling tails twitched and their yellow slit-eyes glinted and glowed, menacingly. It was eerie to watch them silently staring at our food, without blinking. An attack seemed eminent, but as we huddled together, nothing happened.

    Upon retrospect, I would call DeKalb Animal Control:

    Remember: Only YOU can prevent feral cats; spay or neuter.
