Tuesday, June 21, 2016

@SunTrust meeting looks to be scheduled for Wednesday in Dunwoody - my apologies


  1. Our City Council can STOP this from happening. http://www.bicyclingjoe.info/2016/06/another-new-bank-in-dunwoody-village.html

  2. No!!! We absolutely do not need another bank...or another doctor's office in Dunwoody Village....

  3. No! Not another bank!
    What's the point of updating all the sidewalks and bike lanes that lead into dunwoody village if there isn't a wealth of options (restaurants/shopping/entertainment) for the public to go and enjoy. Banking is done online these days anyways ...

    Is there a digital petition that we can sign if we cannot attend the meeting???

  4. Jesse--
    I don't know about a petition but you can contact city council members and the DHA leadership so your opinion will be noted officially.
