Friday, July 29, 2016


Fund Raiser for 14 year old waiting on a heart transplant

Taylor was a typical, active happy teenager getting ready to start high school this August. At the beginning of the summer, her parents learned that she had contracted some sort of virus over the past 6-8 weeks. Because Taylor was an active 14 year old teenager, her body did not show signs of the virus. The virus attacked her heart and "scarred" her right and left ventricles. The scarring was so severe that that her heart cannot recover.

Since that time Taylor has been at CHOA where she has received a heart pump, excellent medical care and is awaiting the necessary heart transplant. She is a fighter and she and her family are exceedingly strong and supported by their family, friends and community.

My neighbor's children Win (13), Austin (11) and Katy (8) went to school with Taylor. They have finally finished their assigned summer project of (long overdue!) Cleaning out their rooms! While the deal at the beginning of the summer was they could have a yardsale to raise some spending money, they have asked instead to have a yard sale and drink stand to raise money for Team Taylor. On-going medical care and costs will be high so there is a Go Fund me site set up. Tomorrow Saturday 10am - 2 pm at our house. We live close to Brookrun Park in Dunwoody if you are in the neighborhood! 4645 Ellisbury Dr.       Stay strong Taylor!!

For more information on making online donations for Taylor, please reach out to Ashley Willcott at

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