Tuesday, July 5, 2016

LED Sign on North Peachtree & I285 removed because of City of Dunwoody lawsuit.

LED Sign at North Peachtree & 285 has been removed because of a lawsuit & a judges order.


  1. It's memory lane with the review (at the link) of all the previous signs at that location... And well done, CoD! Electric sign gone is good.

  2. It's memory lane with the review (at the link) of all the previous signs at that location... And well done, CoD! Electric sign gone is good.

  3. I hope we got about $5M in fines from this company. We'll need it to pay our Federal Lawsuit for denying the home care home on Manget Way. Even if the local community is against something, we must uphold our laws. http://www.reporternewspapers.net/2016/03/08/62886/

  4. Reading the thread of the lawsuit, you can see that Olympus pushed aggressively at every turn and appears to have rushed a change to the full LED display in advance of CoD changes during transition from DeKalb Co.; they made every effort to willfully 'misinterpret' the very clear language of the Consent Order. Good job CoD to not let this one drop. Was glad to see sign coming down, however... we'll just go back to the 'regular' non-LED signage with the small electronic display, I suppose. Oh well, small victories.

  5. Sweet, now let's do something about the one at tilly mill and PIB! Seeing that glow in the clouds from Laurelwood is quite obnoxious
