Saturday, July 9, 2016

Special Called Meeting on Sunday and an update on the DeKalb IGA for SPLOST (an additional 1 cent sales tax) & EHOST (possible tax reduction).

I received a call from the Mayor asking if I was available for a Special Called City Council Meeting on Sunday.  Little details available other than what is listed in the official agenda.

July 10, 2016
4:00 PM – Council Chambers

Discussion of and Action on Settlement Agreement.

The City finally received the draft Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) from DeKalb County that they want all DeKalb Cities to approve.   DeKalb wants to raise the County Sales tax from 7 to 8 percent and use that new revenue stream to do capital projects.   This IGA would also restructure the HOST credits on your tax bill (lowering the tax owed) and would set the calculations based on population numbers that work in Dunwoody's favor and would set the time frame at six years instead of five.   There are a lot of moving pieces on this one, namely the County Commission hasn't passed their bill and they may never do so.  I believe County Commission can pass a 5 year 1 penny sales tax and not force the Cities to approve it but then they do not need to use the other items (EHOST and population numbers) that benefit Dunwoody?   County Commissioner Nancy Jester is against the item completely but on Tuesday the other Commissioners may pass a city friendly version in order to have a six year revenue stream vs five.   Based on what I know, I want to stay away from raising sales taxes at all but I know the County can do that (without my permission) therefore if I vote to go along with the deal it is only because it is in the best interests of Dunwoody citizens.

No matter what the County or the City does; this item will need to go on a county wide referendum of all the citizens in November to be enacted.

Proposed IGA between DeKalb & Dunwoody

DeKalb County SPLOST FAQs

County SPLOST Proposal – Unacceptable by Nancy Jester

Ballot measure would lower property taxes in DeKalb County, benefit cities
Dear Decaturish – EHOST/SPLOST should be limited to tax relief, paving

DeKalb road repaving and government center in doubt

Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST: Building for the Future)

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