Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Which baseball layout is best for new fields in Dunwoody?

In October the City released a request for an informal written quote for the design and permitting of the baseball fields to be built at Peachtree Charter Middle School. The scope of work includes preliminary design, final design, construction documents and permitting and construction administration throughout the project. Skyline Engineering and Construction was awarded this contract.

Since that time Skyline has had several meeting with City Staff and Dunwoody Senior Baseball Board Members. From these discussions, several concepts have been created for Councils consideration and are attached to this memo.

Concept 1 allows for a drop off lane on Barclay Drive and a small parking lot of approximately 30 parking spaces. Concept 2 allows for the field to orient more to Brook Run Park and a drop off lane but would not allow for parking on the site. Concept 3, provides for a parking facility on the site of approximately 57 parking spaces and a drop-off lane within the parking lot. In all three concepts, a concession/meeting facility, small covered playground and seating areas are provided in the plaza area.


  1. Option 3 with more parking sure sounds appealing since I've seen how crowded the parking lot can be with the existing Seniors ball fields.

  2. I prefer option 1, especially if the wooded buffer can be preserved at the corner of North Peachtree and Barclay.

  3. I like option 3 for two reasons: 1) The greater number of parking spots will prevent parking issues at the middle school when ball games and end-of-day events at the school conflict (which I expect to happen on a regular basis). 2) The orientation of the fields will have the lights pointing more into Brook Run Park and less towards the neighbors across the street.

  4. I'm thinking that option 1 might be the worst with regard to outfielders staring into a rising or setting sun. Ideally, the CF would be staring due north or due south. Option 3 might be the best, particularly if there's any wiggle room to adjust the fields a bit more to have CF staring as close to due south as possible.
