Sunday, June 25, 2017

Dunwoody Solar Town Hall, Tuesday 7 pm at Dunwoody United Methodist Church to discuss Solarize Dunwoody - Home Installation.

Solar Town Hall

Tuesday, June 27, 7pm

Dunwoody United Methodist Church, 
1548 Mt. Vernon Road, Dunwoody

Interested in going solar? Want to save money and have the support of experts in installing the right system for you? Working together, we can make Dunwoody a leader in solar energy. Come to learn how you can help shape this movement and be a part of Solarize Dunwoody (@SunwoodyGA).

Solarize Dunwoody is a community based, PV bulk purchasing program that allows homeowners, businesses, and non-profits to save on the cost of solar together---the more that participate, the greater the savings!

This is a community input meeting where the coalition explains how the program works and asks attendees for input to shape the RFP to choose the vendor. Each attendee is given three stickers and is asked to place each one on a poster representing his/her top three priorities for the program. A friend attended the Solar Town Hall in Decatur and her top three priorities/program attributes were (1) overall price, (2) inverter warranty, and (3) community project. Other options might include warranty on solar panels, panels made in US, local workforce, etc.

Sponsored by the Dunwoody Sustainability Committee, Environment Georgia, Georgia Interfaith Power & Light, UMC Earthkeepers, and Solar CrowdSource.

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