Friday, July 7, 2017

Dunwoody City Council takes up signs & parks master plan on Monday July 10th.

Monday, July 10th
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
6:00 p.m. - Watch Live


Proclamation - Parks and Recreation Month.

AT&T in Dunwoody Update. (Fatimot Ladipo, Regional Director, External Affairs, AT&T

FIRST READ: Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 20 - Signs

Approval of Project Agreement with Georgia DOT for Georgetown Gateway Project.

Funding Approval for Stormwater Repairs at 2542 Bentbrook Drive.

Funding Approval for Stormwater Repairs at 2222 Dartford Drive.

Resolution to Appoint Member to Serve on the Alcohol License Review Board.

Approval of RFQ 17-03 Standby Skilled Trade Contractors.

Contract Award for the Donaldson Bannister Farm Site Improvements.

FIRST READ: Temporary Construction Easement Agreement for Taylor Morrison.

Approval of Parks and Recreation Master Plan.

Discussion Brook Run Park Baseball Fields Construction.

1 comment:

  1. I think that one of the city plans discussed more sidewalks on Peeler Rd. I agree with someone that commented on one of these forums that Peeler already has a sidewalk on one side and really does not need one on the other side, BUT we do ride bikes eastbound mostly on Peeler and it would be really nice if the full length had a bike lane (much of it does have a bike lane, but then portions have no shoulder whatsoever), and it would be nice if there was a short sidewalk connecting this lane to the path in brook run. (right now someone could hop off their bike and walk across 10-20 feet of grass/dirt to accomplish this). All of this would be far less expensive than pouring additional sidewalks on Peeler. I don't recall exactly which document mentioned putting more sidewalks on Peeler, but it was in one of them...
