Saturday, February 24, 2018

Large Scale redevelopment proposal on the Dunwoody City Council Agenda for Monday.

Monday night the Dunwoody City Council will be discussing a large scale rezoning for office & residential in the perimeter area and the developer has offered additional concessions after the deadline of the public packet, therefore I have included it here along with other documentation and information.


  1. Dear Council members,

    You had me at Copenhagenize.

    I support the proposed rezoning and redevelopment of the former city hall site. All of our approved master plans reflect our residents desire to reinvent Dunwoody for HUMANS first, instead of cars. Imagine if the past 30 years of build out reflected the HUMANIZATION that is expressed with the Grubb proposal. We’re talking about building out something that basically does not exist in our state: A development that builds high quality separated bike & pedestrian facilities that offer casual users a safe & comfortable experience to simply move around a mile or so to get to shops, work or transit. Hammond Drive and along Ashford Dunwoody is programmed to have wide, physically separated Bike/Ped infrastructure.

    The Grubb development, along with the approved PCID Trail Master Plan, will be a keystone project that we can show to the entire state, leaping beyond the “pretend” live work play developments that have been built in the past decade in our region.

    Allowing the Grubb plan to be built, along with the approved bike/ped/trail plans, will put Perimeter / Dunwoody in the national spotlight of implementing a best-practices livable, CONNECTED sense of place. Other developments like Avalon are “drive to” isolated islands, requiring the use of a car. This is the 180 of that.

    This is live-work-play and then some.

    When you plan for cars & traffic, you get cars & traffic. When you can plan for people & places, you get people and places. This development puts PEOPLE FIRST over cars.

    I lived in Copenhagen for a year. Experienced living there. Denmark is rated as the highest quality of life in the world. Let’s get a little slice of that right here in our community.

    Once built, we can all stand tall and be proud to show this project off.

    Please do not be focused on legislating minimum car parking spaces. Please do not be focused on “traffic”. Focus on people. On places. On living.

    In transportation planning and developer speak, you’ll hear about the term “Level of Service”. It’s about moving cars as quickly and efficiently as possible. Instead, let’s talk about Level of Service for humans. Safe Streets. For those that live, play & go to school HERE.

    We’re in the midst of re-designing our city & streets for people. When you’re out walking or riding a bike to school or the coffee shop, it’s humanizing. It creates a sense of place. It physically & metaphorically connects people together within our community.

    With your approval of this project, you are taking another step by lowering my property taxes. The ROI per acre back to the city coffers will be tremendously greater than what exists today. If there is any place that can accommodate higher density, this area is it. 1/2 mile from heavy rail MARTA station and more.

  2. After discussion, this item was deferred until March 26th.
