Sunday, March 18, 2018

Riley Heneghan - Eagle Court of Honor - Tuesday 7:30 pm at Kingswood United Methodist Church, Dunwoody

Tuesday night my oldest son Riley will officially be recognized by Boy Scout Troop 477 out of Kingswood United Methodist Church for reaching the level of Eagle Scout. If you have never observed an Eagle Court of Honor, the ceremony is open to the community at starts at 7:30 pm.  Light refreshments to follow.

I couldn't be prouder of my son, besides obtaining the rank of Eagle and being a leader within his troop, he also played football for St. Pius X High School where he served as a Captain and he is very active in the All Saints Catholic Church Youth Ministry Program.  His "Eagle Scout Project" was also special to me personally because he refreshed the Environmental Classroom in Brook Run Park (near the garden) dedicated to my friend Bobbi Sedam by installing additional benches for adult / teacher seating, waterproofing the existing structures and re-mulching the area.

Riley's experience with Boy Scouts at Troop 477 was amazing and I would recommend the Troop to anyone interested in Boy Scouts.  A special thanks go out to the many leaders of the troop, especially Scoutmasters Bob Melton & Barry Deutsch for their care, guidance and leadership over the many young men in the troop.  Dunwoody is a better community because of the many scouting programs that thrive in our city.  Thank you to all the leaders everywhere.


  1. Congratulations Riley & family. As the father of an Eagle Scout I know the pride all of you are experiencing.

  2. John,

    You have to be so very proud of Riley, John!!! I recall when I was a Boy Scout back up in Chicago, an Eagle Scout was the most venerated achievement ever, even my cynical father revered Eagle Scouts - normally his respect was extended only to fellow war vets.

    However, those lofty aspirations never became a reality for me, as I was kicked out of Troop 212 (or it might have been 214) for running through the bonfire repeatedly after our sledge competition in some northwest-side forest preserve where we threw all the sleds constructed of Christmas trees into a massive bonfire after the race. I foolishly, albeit true to my character, accepted the dares of the other scouts - and ran back and forth across the flames until a Scout Master grabbed me to pull me back. Consequently I was kicked out in disgrace, having only achieved a rank of Second Class.

    Congratulations to you, Kristin, Gavin, Declan, and especially - Riley - this is truly a great achievement!!!

    Gary Ray Betz
