Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Fifteen Eagle Scouts advance from one patrol of Troop 477 in Dunwoody, GA

When little boys join the Boy Scouts they band together to form a patrol of boys their own age in order to go through the adventures of scouting as a group. Only 4 percent of all Scouts ever make it to the rank of Eagle but there is an incredible story coming out of Boy Scout Troop 477 from Kingswood United Methodist Church in Dunwoody, Ga.

15 Scouts from the Batman Patrol have made the coveted rank of Eagle Scout before their 18th birthday, the deadline of aging out of the program. Records are being checked with Boy Scout Headquarters but this level of achievement is unprecedented and may actually be record setting.

The 15 Eagle Scouts are - Levi Hoey, Nicholas Fraser, Sam Lucius, Barrett Williams, Cole Griffith, Evan Maxwell, Caleb Sparks, David Antonino, Joshua Wall, Peter Richardson, Drew Cottle, Josh Bieber, Jackson Kuller, Riley Heneghan, Ben Todd.

Special recognition goes out the Scoutmasters and adult leaders of the Troop, including Bob Melton, Barry Deutsch, Nathan Sparks, Peter Bain, and the many others who helped make this happen.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to all Scouts, their Leadership, and parents for this awesome achievement!!!

    Earning the rank of Eagle Scout often results in a lifetime of recognition and admiration from future employers, Fathers-in-Law, and peers. It's one of the few milestones a young man can obtain that will outlast almost all others.

    Batman Patrol smashed through the bar on this record!
