Monday, May 28, 2018

Second Helpings Atlanta provides part of the food that Malachi's Storehouse feeds to Dunwoody's hungry.

I came across a video by Second Helpings Atlanta that highlights the great service that Malachi's Storehouse of St. Patrick's Episcopal Church in Dunwoody does every Wednesday feeding hundreds of hungry Atlantans.  Their Mission, is simple - it is to nourish both body and spirit, honoring the dignity of every human being around the giving and receiving of food.

If you are in need of food for your family or you are able to donate your time, talents or funds; please check out the link for more information.

Hot Lunch and food pantry.
11:00 AM-3:00 PM

St. Patrick's Episcopal Church,
4755 North Peachtree Rd,
Dunwoody, Georgia 30338

1 comment:

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