Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Operation "PROM" Night - Please Return On Monday

Dunwoody High School's Prom is coming this weekend therefore as parents we are typically assisting with formal wear, flowers, hair styling and photos.  A quick reminder for thier safety is also suggested.

My sister Kathleen works at the high school she graduated from almost 30 years ago and in preparation for the up coming Prom Season she assists in putting on "Operation Prom Night" for her students, which is a program about making smart choices during prom season and throughout life.

The theme was to "Please Return On Monday" and she said it was powerful reminder about how driving under the influence can cause tragedy. The speakers who shared their stories of loss and grief were amazing and she said it was an honor to witness.   The video below is from a similar program and it gives a flavor of the program done by my sisters school.

If you have young adults going to prom, please tell them to have fun but to also be safe.

  • More than one-third of youth under the age of 21 who are killed in alcohol-related fatalities died during the months of April, May and June - prom season.
  • During the typical prom weekend, 46% of traffic deaths among 15-20 year olds are alcohol-related.
  • Of those alcohol-related fatalities, 69% involve a 15-20 year old driver with alcohol in his/her system.
  • Teens view drinking alcohol - even heavy drinking - as less risky than using other substances

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