Tuesday, August 20, 2019

City of Dunwoody KPI report for Q2 2019, Brook Run Park Deed Restrictions for Greenspace and the 2020 Mayor's Budget


A couple of items crossed my desk today that I thought I would share.

First is the quarterly report of key performance indicators of city operations.   The data is interesting, like the fact that the number of open records requests for city documents has risen; traffic citations are up; review of construction plans are down; new business licenses are down; applications for employment are up, but we also advertised a few more jobs; the calls to the police department are up; and alarms are down.

The one area that really jumped out to the Council was the number and quality of our communication outreach.  The numbers over last year for Facebook & Twitter have skyrocketed, and the quality of the outreach is also unsurpassed with today's 360-degree photo of the construction at Brook Run Park being just one example. 

This is due to the new team of Jennifer Boettcher & Kathy Florence - well-done ladies!!

The Assistant City Manager, Mr. Jay Vinicki, stated that "staff is looking at revamping this report starting next quarter. We welcome your input back to the city for any information already in this report that is “must keep” and information lacking in it that is “must add.”"  Transparency is the key and therefore what relavent statistics should be reported to ensure appropriate city services are on track?  Thanks.

The second item that I thought was worth sharing was a question that is raised from time to time regarding the deed restrictions on the original Brook Run Park land that was bought from the State in 2001.  One of the restrictions is that no less than 70% of the property shall be used as urban green space and the city has already calculated that even after all of the future artificial turf, new driveways, hardscapes and parking lots were installed; that Brook Run Park would still have 78.4% urban greenspace.  Here is the documentation provided by the City on the green space percentage.

Finally, I am anticipating the Mayor's 2020 budget for the City will be released by the end of the week, and the budget committee will be taking the first crack at reviewing and then proposing changes.  Once I get it I will post the proposed budget and ask for comments or suggestions.   Thanks


  1. The 360 degree view was really cool, John. They are doing a really good job.

  2. Nice info ! Why doesn’t staff and mayor have a site walk and. a public Value Engineering’s session.
    Site walk assured public our council is engaged . Value engineering assures we have input for possible improvements (sun shade, water cooling I
    fixtures) .Biggest project but no in progress review ?

  3. Also , Very nice job by new staff to reach out and post images . We could also use(on our largest city project to date) Project signage on site and websites data plus public meeting that provides common data for public projects : Name of Project and Features , Name of contractor and City point of contact. Award amount $6.8 M for GC . $$ for AE, $$ for CM, Expected completion date , safety and quality metrics. Etc
