Thursday, November 7, 2019

The great Dunwoody write in challenge - Kristin Heneghan has been declared the winner over Justin Dike, as well as other stats.

Justin Dike & Kristin Heneghan

Looking at the write-in stats is always interesting for me on an open uncontested race to see whose name might show up, be a neighbor, a celebrity or even a protest message.  The Dunwoody stats do not disappoint as there are write-ins for Mayor, and all three City Council seats.  Looking at the pdf, City Council race for District 1 between Stacey Harris and Robert Miller is coded a race 260, and it follows the Dunwoody Mayor write-in stats.  District 2 stats for the contest between Joe Seconder and Heyward Wescott are listed next as race 270 and finally, the uncontested District 3 race identified as number 280 had the most write-ins.

The challenge posted by What's Up Dunwoody's Justin Dike to my wife Kristin to see who would get more write-in votes for the Ddistrict 3 race wasn't even close;  Kristin won by a landslide.

Looking at other results, Dunwoody was by far the most popular location to vote early with 3,000 people doing so.

I haven't plugged the numbers into a spreadsheet yet but the turnout in Dunwoody shows that most precints where there is a high percentage of single family homes voted at a much higher rate vs where there is a majority of multifamily, for example Austin 40%, Tilly Mill 35%, Mt. Vernon East 37%, Mt. Vernon West 31%, Kingsley 35%, Dunwoody Library 35%, North Peachtree 18%, Dunwoody 17%, Georgetown Square 15%, Chesnut 15%, Peachtree Middle 11%.  To see the polling paces and maps check here.

DeKalb's final results (Unofficial & Incomplete that still need to be certified) are here.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting John. I learned a lot of new ways to spell Heneghan, as well as Justin Dyke's nickname!
