Saturday, March 28, 2020

COVID-19 has arrived in Dunwoody with evidence that Social Distancing is not being taken seriously by some in our community.

Expect that more restrictions will be brought forward by the City of Dunwoody.

I am expecting a City Council Meeting on Monday with possible actions being taken before that date.


  1. Thank you, John. We aren’t exactly looking forward to shelter in place but if it means enforcing social distancing, it’s necessary at this point.

  2. DeKalb already issued a shelter in place order starting tonight so Dunwoody is covered already

  3. My understanding is that covers unincorporated DeKalb and that the surrounding cities are going to need to adopt that same language as soon as possible. I believe Dunwoody is doing it today. I think the extra layers that the cities are having to go through our wasteful with regard to time.

  4. John, are you referring to the 4 cases at Berman Commons, the retirement home on Womack? The reports are that they contracted it from a worker there, so that’s different from ppl not taking social distancing seriously. Just curious if there are more in Dunwoody, due to ppl not taking this seriously.

  5. Mom, Berman is not the only confirmed COVID-19 in the City. With the reports coming out the emergency rooms and the fact that there is an incubation period or unknown time in which you are contagious without symptoms, I support the Mayor's decision.
