Tuesday, April 21, 2020

City of Dunwoody Budget Committee - Tuesday April 21st at 9 am


Agenda - 2020 Budget Review (Jay Vinicki, Linda Nabers) - no documents to review

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +13126266799, 91530402606#  or +19292056099, 91530402606#


  1. Absolutely awesome to send out notice of a 9:00 A.M. meeting at 10:16 A.M. the same day. Some fine transparency there.

  2. Hey MF, I'm sorry that waited until the morning of the budget committee to post the notice as there was no intention on my part to not be transparent. I posted at 7:30 am where it showed up on my blog immediately and was then cross-posted on Twitter & Facebook. Unfortunately, I use a free email delivery service which then mails the blog to about 1,000 addresses and I guess it missed the meeting time deadline. Sorry.

    I have now posted the full video of the budget committee meeting as well as the PowerPoint used by staff on my blog for you to review at your leisure.

    Dunwoody City Council Budget Committee proposes to reduce the City 2020 budget by 3 million dollars.

    MF, I would like to make you aware of the additional locations of my blog being posted. Thank for reading.

    Twitter - Dunwoody North

    Facebook - Heneghan's Dunwoody Blog

  3. Thank you! I look forward to leisurely reviewing.
