Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Dunwoody Chief Billy Grogan discusses Police Accountability

At the June 15th Dunwoody City Council Meeting, Police Chief Billy Grogan was coming in front of the City Council to discuss the Department's Use of Force policy.  Based on events taking place in the community and upon requests from the Mayor and Council, the final presentation given by Chief Grogan was greatly expanded to Police Accountability, covering a number of important subjects.

Chief Grogan's initial presentation was published on my blog, but I never updated the community with his expanded presentation on Accountability.   The actual presentation delivered includes an update on the City's Non-Discrimination Ordinance, Law Enforcement Training, and reporting of statistics. There are slides on the extensive and wide amount of police training that takes place. The presentation goes on to discuss policies on the various levels of use of force and investigations that take place after every use of force incident, the statistics on the number of complaints against officers, agency demographics and community engagement activities conducted by the Department.

On a related matter, sometimes I share my thoughts on other platforms like Twitter and those thoughts don't always make it onto the blog.  On June 17th at an hour when most people were asleep, I posted to Twitter about an article on policing that I thought was worth sharing.

As person who thinks about policing and governance in America & my small town of Dunwoody GA; this article by John P. Weiss on love, compassion, human dignity, public trust and policing really touched me.  Thanks.


1 comment:

  1. Mr. Weiss is a delightful writer to read. That I strongly agree with his sentiments is icing on the cake. Thank you for bring him to my notice, John.
