AUGUST 19, 2020
9:00 AM – VIA ZOOM
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Webinar ID: 814 7034 2349
To take part in public comment, please send an email to publiccomment@dunwoodyga.gov. Include your name, your email address, and phone number. You will be placed on a first-come, first-served list for public comment. The first public comment section has a 30-minute time limit. Each speaker is allowed up to three minutes. If time runs out, pre-registered speakers will be called on during the second public comment section toward the end of the meeting. If you don't pre-register, you can use the "raise hand" feature on zoom during the meeting to be added to the public comment list.
CARES Act Intergovernmental Agreement Approval and Initial Budgets
U.S. Treasury - CARES Act Provides Assistance for State, Local, and Tribal Governments
DeKalb - Cares Act Info
Dunwoody Updated Emergency Face Mask Ordinance - 08/19/20
Gov Kemp Exec Order 8/15/20 - Empowering a Healthy Georgia in response to COVID-19
Sandy Springs updated Mask Ordinance issued on 8/18/2020
DeKalb Stats - https://www.dekalbhealth.net/covid-19dekalb/
Keeping in mind the adage about how many more negative comments people receive than positive, I thank you again, John, for your dedication to public service, and the excellence to which you aspire. I can't imagine a higher standard, or execution. Thank you.