Monday, November 2, 2020

New 950 student elementary school proposed in Dunwoody for the former Shallowford Elementary site, located on Chamblee Dunwoody Rd near the intersection of Peeler.

 Full School Design and Layout presented to School Board

Monday night the DeKalb County School Board is voting to approve the $35 million in funding and the construction of a new 950 student elementary school on the site of the former Shallowford Elementary site, located on Chamblee Dunwoody Rd near the intersection of Peeler and Shallowford.  The prototype design is the same as the new Austin Elementary school constructed last year.

Below is the link to the meeting agenda as well as the txt available.

In February 2020 the Board approved and funded the creation of a “New 950 seat elementary school for Dunwoody/Chamblee clusters”.  The location of this new elementary school was left to be determined at a later date.

After consideration of potential sites in the Dunwoody and Chamblee clusters, it is recommended that the Former Shallowford Elementary Site, 4680 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd., be the location for this new elementary school.  This site is already owned by the District and does not currently have a school building, allowing construction of a new school to begin quickly and with no disruption to existing District schools.  This site is also located close to the border of the Dunwoody and Chamblee clusters and provides several potential options for relief of nearby overcrowded schools. 

The site Former Shallowford Elementary Site has been reviewed by the architects of the District’s prototype elementary (CGLS Architects) and a preliminary site design has been created that shows the prototype design fitting on the property (preliminary site design in supporting documents).

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact to the District, as the new elementary schools for the Dunwoody/Chamblee clusters has already been funded for $35 million under E-SPLOST V.


Mr. Noel L. Maloof, Deputy Chief Operations Officer, Division of Operations, 678.676.1446
Mr. Hans Williams, Director of Planning & E-SPLOST Programming, Division of Operations , 678.676.1588


The former Shallowford Elementary Site will allow the construction of the New Elementary to serve Dunwoody and Chamblee Area to move forward.


  1. I would love to see the zoning map for this new school. Thanks!

  2. If it gets built, No ABOVE ground detention/retention ponds!!!!

  3. Why did the district tear down the original school that existed there along with a perfectly good gym building? DeKalb county wastes so much money!!!! I am so tired of watching this district have no vision of future needs - this school was abandoned and left to rot rather than being maintained - it was still a viable space! This happened about 12 years ago when anyone could predict there would be a surge in the student population. Instead, it gets torn down !

  4. Shallowford Elementary closed in around 1990 - maybe late 1980s. The building was used for a technical school for a few years after closure and Chamblee Middle School for a few years. It was already in very poor shape, at this point.

  5. We own the property at 4640 Chamblee Dunwoody Road. The preliminary plan proposes removal of the natural, tree-lined barrier between our property and a few other properties. We would like to meet and discuss keeping this barrier as-is. Please respond with next steps. Thank you.

  6. McEver, the City has assisted with requesting minor tweaks from the DeKalb County School System for small buffers and fencing to assist neighbors like yourself and have pushed for underground water retention ponds to eliminate mosquitos / pests and will probably be doing so again. All that said, the City has limited powers to demand that the huge buffer of trees on the DeKalb property be forced to remain. We have a new DeKalb County School System Board Member, Ms. Anna Hill starting in January, and guessing she will be heavily involved to present the best solutions for all involved.

    If you need to see property lines, the City GIS website is a great place to start.

    Guessing there will be numerous meetings to discuss these issues in the future and that as an immediate neighbor that you will be involved. I hope that helps? John
