Monday, June 14, 2021

City of Dunwoody finalized the purchase of 9 acres of Vermack Rd park land tonight at $5.67 Million - financed over 15 years at 2%


Vermack Property Purchase-Status Report 5-21-21.pdf

Vermack Road Boundary.pdf
DESC - PARCEL 2.doc 

4809 4819 Vermack Rd Dunwoody - Res Land 9AC (City - 2078).pdf

 Financed over 15 years at 2.06% with no pre-payment penalty.

Option to pay off debt immediately upon sale of other property if Council decides it is best.


  1. is the city financially tapped out on parks? I've noticed that First Baptist Church owns a 5 acre lot on the north side of Peachford. This lot never seems to be used for much of anything.

  2. Thanks Jay for the suggestion, unsure of that property status, city cash flow is limited and parkland is needed in other corners of the city vs that property so don't anticipate a desire to expand there.

  3. do you know offhand what date we can legally fully wander around that Poss property on Vermack? I saw a couple of cars parked by the ranch house a couple of days ago and wasn't sure if anyone was still moving stuff out of there.
