Saturday, June 12, 2021

Dunwoody City Council Agenda for Monday June 14. Janae Profit Day, Year End Financial Statement, Vermack Park Purchase, Signs, Millage Rate, Splashpad at PCE Park, China Panda Art, Sidewalk

June 14, 2021


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Agenda - City Site Agenda

To take part in public comment, please send an email to Include your name, your email address, and phone number. You will be placed on a first-come, first-served list for public comment. The first public comment section has a 30-minute time limit. Each speaker is allowed up to three minutes. If time runs out, pre-registered speakers will be called on during the second public comment section toward the end of the meeting. If you don't pre-register, you can use the "raise hand" feature on zoom during the meeting to be added to the public comment list.

Employee of the First Quarter Presentation to Crime Analyst Kayce Lowe

Proclamation - Janae Profit Day

Financial Statements for Year Ended December 31, 2020

Consideration of Resolution Approving the Closing Documents Regarding the Financing of the Acquisition of Land for the City for Parks and Recreation Purposes Through the Georgia Municipal Association Bricks and Mortar Program

FIRST READ: Review and Consideration of a New Sign Ordinance to Replace Chapter 20 - Signs

First Public Hearing for Adoption of the 2021 Millage Rate

Contract Amendment with Lowe Engineers for Part Time Park Staff

Resolution Appointing a Member to Serve on the Sustainability Committee - Shane Sevy

Position Reclassification - Business Retention Manager - Full Time

Consideration of Resolution Approving the Closing Documents Regarding the Financing of Land for the City for Parks and Recreation Purposes Through the Georgia Municipal Association Bricks and Mortar Program

Contract Amendment for the Design Services of the Park at Perimeter Center East

SECOND READ: Consideration of a Text Amendment to Amend Standards for Entertainment Districts

Approval of CARES Amendment and Discovery Dunwoody Amendment

FIRST READ: Consideration of a Text Amendment to Amend Standards for Ancillary Tastings 

Resolution to Set Fees for Ancillary Tastings

Lease Agreement for 4819 Vermack Road

Approval of Art Easement - 500 Ashwoody Parkway - China Panda

Approval of a Unit Price Contract for Construction Materials Testing, and Environmental and Geotechnical Engineering Services

Funding Authorization for Autaco to Construct Sidewalk on Perimeter Center East

Approval of On-Call Contract for Stormwater Easement Acquisition Services

FY21 Midyear Budget Amendment

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